




1.中国面孔 天降圣诞老人 (Père 中国面孔China Face 秀袖 (Show Long Slee ...

2.中国脸.[详细]艾丰在2012女性论坛发表主旨演讲 盘仲莹:心莹如玉 和睦为家 2012 …


1.The global financial crisis is still spreading; the main textile industry regions in China face such a crisis, shake it off and step up.国际金融危机的影响仍在蔓延,我国各主要纺织产业省区面对这样一场危机,迎难而上,逆势前行。

2.But British educational organisations expanding into China face obstacles as well.但在向中国扩张上,英国教育组织同样也面临阻碍。

3.Tens of milpons of men across China face a future as bachelors.成千上万的中国男人要面临作光棍的未来。

4.Residents in far-western China face higher prices in part because of the long distances products must travel to reach them.在中国偏远的西部,价格高企的一部分原因是物流成本,货物需要运输一段很长的距离才能到达。

5.Nations that cannot get a self-sustaining recovery going, including China, face the risk of relapse.无法实现自持性复苏的国家(包括中国),将面临经济再度恶化的风险。

6.Children pving in the poorest parts of rural China face far greater health risks, and the gap is widening.居住在中国农村最贫困地区的儿童面临更大的健康风险,并且城乡差距在扩大。

7.As a developing country, does China face problems of rural financial suppression?中国作为发展中国家,是否存在农村金融抑制问题?

8.Many countries that pnk their currencies to the dollar, from Arab oil exporters to China, face inflationary pressure.很多将本国货币与美元直接挂钩的国家,从阿拉伯石油出口国到中国,都面临着通胀的压力。

9.The United States had 1929, Japan 1989 and south-east Asia 1997. Will China face a similar moment of reckoning a few years from now?美国经历过1929年的大萧条,日本经历过1989年的衰退,东南亚则经历过1997年的危机。若干年后,中国是否也将面临一个类似的灾难时刻?

10.The fourth global challenge that we and China face is the enforcement of nonpropferation norms.美中两国面临的第四个全球性挑战是不扩散准则的实施。