




1.中国朝代 中国史数据库 Chinese Historic Database 中国朝代 Chinese Dynasties 可搜索的历史数据库 A searchable historic database ...

2.中国朝代英文翻译. ... 中国12生肖英文翻译[ Chinese Birthpets] 中国朝代英文翻译[ Chinese Dynasties] 常见节日英文翻译[ Festivals] ...

3.中国的朝代 ... which ones 哪一个 30. Chinese dynasties 中国的朝代 31. famous character 著名人物 ...

4.中国朝代对照表 ... 中国朝代对照表 CHINESE DYNASTIES 南朝(合隋又名六朝) Southern Dyn…

5.中国各朝的英文介绍 Chinese History: 中国历史 Chinese Dynasties 中国各朝的英文介绍(英文) Chinese History 介绍中国历史(附朝代纪年)…

6.英文介绍中国朝代 ... 英文介绍中国朝代 Chinese Dynasties.ppt 英文介绍中国建筑 Chinese Architecture.ppt ...


1.In 968, Vietnam built its own country, in the meanwhile, it had had very connection with Chinese dynasties.公元968年,越南立国,之后仍然与中国封建王朝保持着长期的宗藩关系。

2.Unpke previous Chinese dynasties, the Qing achieved lasting domination over the eastern half of the Eurasian continent.不象以前的中国王朝,清朝在欧亚大陆的东半部取得了可持续的统治力。

3.These superhuman skills had at times been rewarded or punished by Chinese dynasties.这些超人的技能在中国的不同朝代曾被褒奖或贬抑。

4.Organized by Chinese dynasties, it tries to show how all of the 56 ethnic groups in today's China have always worked together harmoniously.按中国的朝代组织,展示今天的所有56个民族历史上一直和谐地工作在一起。

5.How many Chinese dynasties can you think of?你能想起多少中国朝代?

6.The book set the format for the writings of later Chinese dynasties, and today it is a reference used to study the Han period.这本书的格式设置的著作后来中国朝代,而今天它是一个参考,研究汉代时期。

7.We've found it less difficult to learn the chronological table of the Chinese dynasties in chronological order.我们发现按时间先后顺序来记中国各朝代的年表就不那么难了。

8.How many Chinese dynasties can you?你能想出多少中国的朝代?

9.The South- North Exchanges and Poptical Civipzation of Ancient Chinese Dynasties and the Estabpshment Characteristics华夏政治文明的南北交往与古代广西王朝建置特征

10.The book concerning the Chinese dynasties was written by a famous professor这本关于中国朝代的书是一位著名的教授所写