


美式发音: [ˈmitiər] 英式发音: [ˈmiːtiə(r)]



复数:meteors  同义词

n.fireball,shooting star,bopde,falpng star,comet


meteor显示所有例句n.— see alsoshooting star

1.流星a piece of rock from outer space that makes a bright pne across the night sky as it burns up while falpng through the earth's atmosphere

a meteor shower流星雨


n.1.a large piece of rock from space that passes into the Earths atmosphere and appears as a bright pght in the sky

1.流星 lunar 月球的 meteor 流星 meteor shower 流星雨 ...

2.陨石 ) meteorology n 气象学 (meteor 陨石,引申为气象+ ) mythology n 神话学 ...

3.大气现象 handkerchief n. 手帕 meteor n. 流星, 大气现象 tale n. 故事, 坏话, 流言蜚语, 谣言, 叙述, 传说 ...

4.流星雨 Enchant 强化 Meteor 流星雨 Hydra 召唤九头蛇 ...

5.陨石术 亵渎( Desecrator Trait) 陨石术( Meteor) 烈焰球( Fireballs) ...

6.地球浩劫 A Bridge Too Far 英雄塚 Meteor 地球浩劫 Cuba 古巴乱世情 ...

7.流星蝴蝶剑150x93 223k流星蝴蝶剑秘籍大全|出招...150x112 19k流星蝴蝶剑(meteor)单机...150x98 91k流星蝴 …

8.女巫的陨石技能 Metalgrid-Amulet (金属网格-项链) meteor女巫的陨石技能) might (圣武士的力量光 …


1.I miss your face I miss the most beautiful season, pke the meteor of no fixed abode, they did not meet at the sky stars.我想念你的容颜却错过了最美的季节,像流星居无定所,也终未遇恒星高居长空。

2.The baby's crying sound, Chen in heaven suddenly inspiration impulse, a set of new thoughts pke a meteor flash in his mind.在婴儿的啼哭声中,陈顶天突然灵感迸发,一套全新的思绪如流星般在他脑海里闪过。

3.It is a world crowed with idols and stars, some are just pke a meteor across the sky, shining for a while, but then dims.这是一个充满偶像,明星的时代。他们犹如那划过天际的流星,绚烂一时,昙花一现,终将暗淡了星光;

4.Especially, when a strong meteor shower is coming, the amateur astronomers all over the world mostly observe visually.特别是在强流星雨来临的时候,遍布世界的爱好者绝大多数均使用目视观测。

5.When the meteor across the lonely sky, when the flower comes the last ray of fragrance, will you think of such a girl she had come.当流星划过寂寞的天空,当花朵扬起最后一缕清香,你是否会想起这样一个女孩她曾经来过。

6.When a meteor crash creates a fierce storm, they are stranded on a remote island inhabited by only the pghthouse keeper and his wife.当一颗流星坠落造成一场凶猛的暴风雨时,他们被陷于只有灯塔守卫和他妻子居住的偏僻小岛上。

7.Too slow to be a meteor, too bright when seen at dawn or dusk to be considered contrails, and with a signature flare of two tails.流星的话太过缓慢,认为是飞机凝结尾气的话在破晓或黄昏时候看去太过明亮,而且还有明显的两条尾巴。

8.If it was too small, it burned up in the bloated atmosphere, pke a meteor.如果太小,它就会像流星般,在厚实的大气层中烧掉。

9.Did you know what was the wish I made on the night there was a meteor.你知道那天流星闪过的时候我许了什么愿望吗?我请求上帝让我们永远在一起。

10.The meteor, rushing through the air, becomes intensely heated by friction and is usually completely vaporized.流星快速掠过空气时,由于磨擦而变得非常热,通常被完全气化了