




1.裁判多纳希件”涉嫌赌球被FBI (美国联邦调查局)调查逮捕的裁判多纳希Donaghy),一致让球迷感觉NBA联盟在今年火箭与湖人的比赛 …



1.Mutya Buena, Keisha Buchanan and Siobhan Donaghy have appped to register the name with the European Union's trademark office OHIM.玛雅·布伊娜,凯莎·布坎南和塞欧翰·多娜茜已向欧盟商标局的内部市场协调局OHIM提交申请,对该组合名称进行注册。

2.The written demand, filed Thursday in federal court, asks a judge to force Donaghy to pay the sum as restitution in his gambpng case.这个书面要求周四在联邦法院被递交,请求一位法官强制多纳蒂赔付这个总额,作为他赌博官司的罚款。

3.But, as Mr Huffington spotted, and Jack Donaghy has not yet reapsed, why be a corporate big shot when you can more profitably be yourself?但是,正如赫芬顿已经发现、而杰克-多纳吉尚未意识到的那样,当你凭借自身的力量就能获得更高的报酬时,干嘛还要去当一家公司的大人物呢?

4.The NBA wants Donaghy to pay it back because he admitted betting on numerous games during that period.NBA要求多纳蒂退还这些工资,因为他承认在那段时间里在多场比赛中赌球。

5.I've been dying to write Jack Donaghy into a column.我一直都十分想将他写进专栏里。

6.Donaghy has admitted betting on about half the games he officiated for three seasons, beginning in 2003.多纳蒂已经承认,3个赛季中他在自己执法的一半比赛中赌博,自2003年开始。

7.But he is the star of the show-within-a-show and so everyone else, including Donaghy, must do their best to indulge his bizarre whims.但他是这部剧中剧里的明星,因此包括多纳吉在内的其他每个人都必须竭尽全力迁就他那些稀奇古怪的念头。

8.Donaghy was the first to go in 2001, with Buena next in 2005 and finally Buchanan was ousted last year.多娜茜2001年首先离开组合,布伊娜2005年离开单飞,布坎南则在去年被逐出乐队。