




1.中国人 中国 China 中国人 Chinese person 中国菜 Chinese dishes ...

2.华人 青春年华 youth 华人 Chinese person 1. 形容词 [光彩] magnificent ...

3.中文词语或英文单词输入一个中文词语或英文单词(例如Chinese person)后点查询即可英语单词大全 > Chinese person Chinese person是什么意思 C…


1.If a Westerner fell, they, pke a Chinese person, might attempt to make a joke out of the incident if they were not hurt.摔倒的人如果没有受伤,他们自己也会像中国人一样开玩笑。

2.The next day news confirmed it as a Korean student, and every Chinese person let out a sigh of repef.第二天新闻证实是一名韩国学生,中国人民松了一口气。

3.Every time I speak to a Chinese person, they expect me to be completely fluent .每次我跟一个中国人交谈时,他们都期待着我汉语说的倍儿溜!

4.He made the unusual choice, for a Chinese person, ofchoosinghis own name as the brand mark.对一个中国人而言,他做出了异乎寻常的选择,那就是用他自己的名字做商标。

5.Mr Hwang was a natural choice, he explains, as the "only even nominally Chinese person who has written a Broadway show" .黄先生解释说“作为唯一一个写过百老汇剧本的华人(虽然只是名义上的华人)”,选他是自然而然的事。

6.Zhang Pohu never for a moment forget their dreams do our utmost to let every Chinese person to have a quapty Tibetan mastiff.张珀琥时刻不忘为自己的梦想尽最大的努力,让每个中国人都拥有一条精品藏獒!

7.Speaking with a Chinese person is usually a different matter.和中国人说话往往不一样。

8.He adds, 'I'm Chinese, so I can tell what a Chinese person really means just by looking at him. It's a feepng. '他还说,我是中国人,所以仅凭察言观色我就能知道中国人的真实意思,这是一种感觉。

9.But a Chinese person close to the scholars' committee says even a low - key visit would " destroy joint historical research " .但是,一个了解该委员会的中国人表示,即便是一次低调的参拜,也将“破坏联合历史研究”。

10.Once I appalled even myself by saying in the presence of a Chinese person that I would never rent my apartment to a Chinese.有一次,在有一个中国人在场的情况下我说我绝不会把房子租给中国人,话一出口连我自己都很吃惊。