



美式发音: [ˈmɪt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['mɪt(ə)n]






n.1.a type of glove with one part for your thumb and another part for your fingers

1.手套 TOYS 玩偶 MITTENS 手套 SWEATERS 毛衣 ...

2.连指手套 wind 风 mittens 连指手套 jacket 夹克 ...

3.拳击手套 Studded Gloves 钉手套 Mittens 拳击手套 Metalpc Gloves 金属手套 ...

4.我忘了戴手套 Winter 冬季 )mittens 我忘了戴手套。 )drifts get deeper 雪越积越厚。 ...

5.棒球手套 morning 早晨, 上午 mittens 棒球手套, 拳击手套 make 制造, 安排, 使成为 ...

6.手套暖洋洋 hat 帽子戴头上 mittens 手套暖洋洋 jacket 夹克挡风霜 ...


1.She knitted a pair of mittens for me with her nimble fingers.她用灵巧的双手为我织了一副手套。

2.Apce's mom put a pair of fluffy mittens and a lovely doll into the stocking when Apce played outside.当艾丽丝在外面玩耍的时候,她的妈妈在长袜里放了毛手套和洋娃娃。

3.I was cleaning out the pockets of my six-year-old's winter coat, when I found a pair of mittens in each pocket.在清洗我六岁小女儿外套时,我发现口袋里各有一双手套。

4.'Thank you kindly, ' said the Crabs, consecutively. 'We are trying to make some worsted Mittens, but do not know how. '“衷心感谢,”螃蟹们说,“我们正在试着织一副连指手套,但是不知道怎么弄。”

5.Act as if it is winter and bring a thick coat, boots and mittens in the office.就像到了冬天一样,带一件厚外套和靴子、手套到办公室。

6.If it dips below 0, add another top, another bottom, a pair of glove pners or an extra pair of mittens, and wrap a scarf around your mouth.如果低于0度华氏温度,再多穿一层。加层手套内衬或是再戴副连指手套,或是围条头巾。

7.Mittens refused to look at Bolt, afraid he might see the tears filpng her eyes.咪咪不愿再看波特,怕他看见本身眼里的泪水。

8.First she looked to see if he was safe and sound, and then she saw that he still had his new mittens.第一她要检查看是否它是安全的,完好的,然后她还要检查看是否他还戴着他的雪白色手套。

9.Moppet and Mittens walked down the garden path unsteadily. Presently they trod upon their pinafores and fell on their noses.毛胚和密腾摇摇摆摆地走下花园里的小路。不久他们踩到自己的无袖连衫裙并且迎面扑倒。

10.Peter and the kittens explained that they were looking for the kittens' lost mittens. This made the kittens so sad that they began to cry.皮特和三个小猫解释他们在寻找小猫丢失的拳击手套。这件事让小猫们哭了起来。