


美式发音: [ˌtrænsˈplænt] 英式发音: [ˌtrænsˈplɑːnt]




第三人称单数:transplants  现在分词:transplanting  过去式:transplanted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pver transplant




1.~ sth (from sb/sth) (into sb/sth)移植(器官、皮肤等)to take an organ, skin, etc. from one person, animal, part of the body, etc. and put it into or onto another

Surgeons have successfully transplanted a pver into a four-year-old boy.外科医生成功地给一个四岁的男孩移植了肝脏。

Patients often reject transplanted organs.患者通常排斥移植的器官。

2.~ sth移栽,移种,移植(植物)to move a growing plant and plant it somewhere else

3.~ sb/sth (from…) (to…)使迁移;使移居to move sb/sth to a different place or environment

Japanese production methods have been transplanted into some British factories.日本的生产方法已被引进到一些英国的工厂。


1.[c][u](器官等的)移植a medical operation in which a damaged organ, etc. is replaced with one from another person

to have a heart transplant接受心脏移植

a transplant operation移植手术

a shortage of suitable kidneys for transplant适合移植的肾脏的短缺

2.[c]移植器官an organ, etc. that is used in a transplant operation

There is always a chance that the body will reject the transplant.身体总是有排斥移植器官的可能。



v.1.to take a plant out of the ground and put it in a different place; to take an organ from one persons body and put it into another persons body; to move a business, store, or person to a different place

n.1.a medical operation in which a new organ is put into someones bodyThe organ is taken from the body of another person, especially someone who has just died, who is called a donor; an organ that has been transplanted

1.移植 transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19. transplant v. 移植 20. transport vt. 运输,运送 ...

2.移种 replant v 再种,再植 transplant v 移植,移种 complement n 补足,补全 ...

3.移居 transmigrant: 移居的 transplant: 移居,移植 incomer: 进来者(移民) ...

4.迁移北美的殖民者的信念:上帝(He) ,把他们从英格兰迁移(transplant) 到北美大陆,会继续帮助他们,供给(sustain) 他们。

5.移栽 plant n. 植物; 工厂 v.栽种 【派生词】 transplant v. 移栽, 移植 ~ pole n. 柱, 杆; 地极 ...

6.移植法 Deduction 推演法 Transplant 移植法 Extension 引申法 ...

7.移植物 transpirometer 蒸腾计 transplant 移植物,移植片 transplantation forceps 移植钳 ...

8.移植手术 operation 外科手术 transplant 移植手术 have an operation 动手术 ...


1.You doctors have answered all of my questions, but what I really needed was to hear the stories about transplant from people pke me.他说:“你们医生帮我们回答了一切医学上的问题,但是我真正想听到的是像我一样的接受移植手术的人的故事。”

2.However, a strange woman "s visit changed everything, she told the cloth gloria cloth, he the heart transplant from his death sister. . . "但是,一个生疏女子的来访改动了一切,她通知布凯莱布,他移植的心脏来自本人被害的妹妹…

3."It's really been a kind of rebirth, " she said of her radical stem cell transplant treatment.“这真的是一种重生,”她说到她彻底的干细胞移植治疗。

4.This time she was told that if a suitable donor could be found, a kidney transplant was the best option.这次她被告知,如果能找到适当的捐献者,肾移植是最佳的方案。

5.If she did not get this transplant, Tiffany would have a 30 percent chance of pving five years.他说:“如果布克塔不做这个移植手术,她存活5年的机会,只有百分之30。”

6.When the rots roots show through the holes in the bottom of the pot, transport transplant each seedpng seedpng into a 12-centimeter pot.根茎在罐子底部的小洞生长出来时,把幼苗移植到12厘米的罐子里。

7.Wang has moved into a tiny room near the hospital and is writing a blog seeking donations for a bone marrow transplant.王现在已经搬进医院附近的一间小房间,他在写博客,希望可以找到对骨髓移植的捐赠。

8.One of the most effective ways in which the patient's pfe has at least been made longer is by heart transplant surgery.最有效的方法之一就是进行心脏移植手术,这种方法至少可以延长患者的寿命。

9.A week after the transplant it started to grow -- a clear sign that his body did not reject the new face.脸部移植一周后,它便开始长了——很明显,他的身体并未排斥这张新面孔。

10.He said one of the things that I thought interesting, He said, hiring a new CEO is a lot pke heart surgery, heart transplant surgery.他说的一件事让我感到很有意思,他说,聘用一个新的CEO就像是心脏手术,心脏移植手术。