





4.二氧化氯纯度摘要: 桌上足球特别好消息,打电话立刻 …


1.MMS produces a small amount of ClO2 gas that rips electrons out of viruses and bacteria causing the viral structure to collapse.MMS产生少量的二氧化氯气体,抢夺病毒的电子,破坏其结构。

2.CLO2 used to disinfect water, can effectively kill a large number of sewage bacteria, viruses and parasites.采用CLO2对出水进行消毒,能够有效的杀灭污水中的大量病菌、病毒和寄生虫等。

3.ClO2 mixed disinfectant is a new broad spectrum high effect disinfectant. The abipty of disinfect is 3~5times as much as ClO-'s.二氧化氯混合消毒剂是新一代广谱高效消毒剂,消毒能力是次氯的3~5倍。

4.ClO2 gas is how they kill those cruise-ship stomach viruses.它们是利用二氧化氯气体来杀死那些邮轮般的胃病毒的。

5.The ClO2 odor is not strong and it is beneficial in kilpng any remaining germs that may reside in lungs or bronchicals.二氧化氯的气味不浓,但它有利于杀死残留在肺部或支气管里的病菌。

6.Within one hour, the ClO2 odor has killed any germs in the room, including carpet mold, pet odors, smelly shoes, and cooking odors.一个小时内,二氧化氯气味会杀死房间里的任何病菌,包括地毯霉菌、宠物的气味、鞋的臭味和油烟的气味。

7.Soak foots in the clo2 solution for 5 minutes, once a day.每天洗脚时用消毒液浸泡五分钟。

8.Gargle with MMS, or breath the ClO2 gas produced by MMS, and resume taking a 4 drop MMS mix every 1. 5 hours.用MMS漱口,或着呼吸MMS产生的二氧化氯气体,每一个半小时加入4滴MMS混合液。