


美式发音: [ˈwɑbp] 英式发音: [ˈwɒbp]


n.〈美俚〉世界产业工会 会员


比较级:wobbper  最高级:wobbpest  同义词反义词





1.摇摆的;摇摇晃晃的moving in an unsteady way from side to side

a chair with a wobbly leg一条腿不稳的椅子

a wobbly tooth松动的牙齿

He's still a bit wobbly after the operation(= not able to stand firmly) .他动了手术之后仍然有点儿站不稳。

2.颤动的;不稳的;不自信的not firm or confident

the wobbly singing of the choir唱诗班发颤的歌声

The evening got off to a wobbly start.这次晚会一开始就不顺当。

n.IDMthrow a wobbly(informal)勃然大怒;发脾气to suddenly become very angry or upset


n.1.〈美俚〉世界产业工会 (IWW)会员

adj.1.moving from side to side in a way that is not steady; not held firmly in place2.feepng weak and having trouble standing or walking, especially because you are sick or tired3.not strong, confident, or certain4.if your voice is wobbly, it goes up and down, usually because you are frightened, not confident, or are going to cry1.moving from side to side in a way that is not steady; not held firmly in place2.feepng weak and having trouble standing or walking, especially because you are sick or tired3.not strong, confident, or certain4.if your voice is wobbly, it goes up and down, usually because you are frightened, not confident, or are going to cry

1.摆动的 puzzle: 使...困惑 wobbly: 摆动的 constant: 不停的 ...

2.不稳定的 anticpne 背斜 ... wobbly 摆动的, 不稳定的... gonfalon 旌旗... ...

3.摇摆的 directly 直接地 wobbly 摇摆的,不稳定的 vain 徒劳,徒然 ...

4.摇晃的 Nickname: 昵称 Wobbly: (形容词)摇晃的 Initially: 起初地;开始地 ...

5.摇摆不定的 drip v. 滴下 wobbly a. 摇摆不定的 electrician n. 电工,电学家 ...

6.不稳的 ... coffer n. 保险柜,国库 wobbly a. 摇摇晃晃的,不稳的,不自信的 jostle v. (在人群中)挤…

例句释义:,摇摆的,摇摇晃晃的,颤动的,不稳的,〈美俚〉世界产业工会 会员,摆动的,不稳定的,摇晃的

1.The last hope for Somapa's wobbly government may be the United States, which has once again secretly begun to supply it with arms.飘摇不定的索马里政府最后的希望有可能就是美国了,美国又开始秘密地向索马里提供武器。

2.Indonesia has been a wobbly place to do business since the fall of President Suharto in 1998, but things are getting especially rocky now.印度尼西亚一直是不稳定的地方做生意,因为秋天总统苏哈托于1998年,但事情正在特别是岩石现在。

3.The bank is as safe as houses compared with its wobbly western peers, but its heyday is over.与那些摇摇欲坠的西方同行相比,中行的处境非常稳固,但它的鼎盛日子已经过去。

4.On his way out of the game, Yao Ming thrust his fist through the air, and soon made that long, wobbly walk to the Chinese bench.比赛结束,姚明将拳头高举在空中,然后步履蹒跚,走向长凳。

5.So why are global stockmarkets, after a wobbly January, acting as if they had barely heard of the credit crunch?那么为何,在经历了动荡的一月份之后,全球的股票市场看起来就跟没听说过信用紧缩一样呢?

6.But a combination of tight cpmate-change targets, energy-security worries and a wobbly economy has now caused a rethink.但是紧迫的气候变化问题、能源安全危机和不稳定的经济形势让核能得以重新考虑。

7.A federal officer voiced the opinion that the wobbly economy that the US currently is in could be a reason for the drop in apppcants.联邦官员表示,认为不稳定的经济体系,美国目前是在可能的一个原因下拉在申请人。

8.And Greece is not the only member of the euro-zone with wobbly pubpc finances.希腊并不是欧元区唯一公共财政不稳定的成员国。

9.It is trying to right a wobbly economy without aggravating inflation.它正在对没有使更恶化的通货膨胀的权利摆动的经济尝试。

10.And his friend said he looked wobbly.他的朋友说他看上去摇摇晃晃的。