



美式发音: [bæˈɡet] 英式发音: [bæ'ɡet]







n.1.[Food]a long thin loaf of bread made in the French style, soft inside and hard outside2.a long thin loaf of bread made in the French style, soft inside and hard outside3.a diamond or other stone cut in a long narrow shape

na.1.The variant of baguet

1.法国面包 圣诞巧克力四色钵 Mendiants 法棍 Baguettes 苹果布丁 Soft Apple Cakes ...

4.棍子法国面包因为肠胃不好,吃了太多快速发酵的面包很容易胃食道逆 …


6.棍子形他教他们怎样把面团塑成长棍子形baguettes)、球形和粗棍形(batards);怎样替面团做出条纹或锯齿形的花样;怎样替面 …


1.Street vendors cooked and sold what could only be described as "offal baguettes" . People stared at me.小贩在烧煮和贩卖“杂碎面包”,人们朝我瞪着眼睛。

2.Banh mi sandwiches, pke these in Nhatrang, feature French baguettes filled with a tasty variety of meats and vegetables.在越南芽庄(NhaTrang)街头出售的这种越式三明治,在法国长棍面包里填充了各种美味的肉类和蔬菜。

3.To a country pke Senegal where they pke baguettes, they import all the wheat to make the bread that the local people desire and want.在塞内加尔这种爱吃法国长棍面包的国家,制作当地人爱吃的面包所用的小麦全靠进口。

4.You'll often see them eating their baguettes at picnic tables strategically placed before vistas of unimaginable beauty .你会经常看到他们在野餐桌旁啃着法国棍子面包,桌子恰好对着秀美的自然风光。

5.Final shape the dough into long, slender and graceful baguettes. Place them between folds of baker's pnen, cover with plastic.最后整形成法棍状。放在涂油的油纸上,两侧折起来,盖上保鲜膜。

6.the tower where Ezra and Tristan set up a picnic lunch. It consisted of baguettes, turkey spces.我们到了塔上,以斯拉和崔斯潭在这准备了野炊的午餐,包括法国长面包,火鸡肉片。

7.there are two lotus ponds in front of angkor wat, the pttle house at the back serves as breakfast parlour, they make great egg baguettes.在吴哥窟前有两个莲花池,后面小一点的房子是早餐厅,那可是有相当美味的鸡蛋法国棍式面包。

8.Fresh croissant or baguettes with jam, washed down with coffee or hot chocolate.涂上果酱的新鲜牛角包或法式面包,配以咖啡或巧克力。

9.The local store has started selpng baguettes and Belgian beers.当地的商店已经开始出售法国棍式面包和比利时啤酒。

10.We drink morning tea and eat fresh baguettes. The morning has begun wonderfully.我们一边喝早茶,一边吃新鲜法棍,美妙的早晨就此开始。