




1.打扫卧室 classroom 教室 clean the bedroom 打扫卧室 clean the room 打扫房间 ...

2.清洁卧室 do the dishes 洗碗碟 clean the bedroom 清洁卧室 use a computer 用计算机 ...

3.打扫房间 sweep the floor 拖地 clean the bedroom 打扫房间 make the bed 铺床叠被 ...

4.打扫教室 make the bed 铺床 clean the bedroom 打扫教室 cook dinner 做晚饭 ...

5.清扫卧室 sweep the floor (扫地) clean the bedroom清扫卧室) make the bed (铺床) ...

6.打扫起居室 wash socks 洗袜子 clean the bedroom 打扫起居室 clean the pving room 打扫 …

7.清理卧室 ... take out the trash【 倒垃圾】 clean the bedroom清理卧室】 do some washing【 洗衣服 …


1.They've arranged for a young woman to clean the bedroom every morning.他们已安排好由一个青年妇女每天早上打扫卧室。

2.This morning, her mother taught her how to clean the bedroom.今天早上,她的妈妈教她怎样去打扫卧室。

3.Do you want me to clean the bedroom for you?你想要我帮你打扫卧室吗?

4.Billy does not help his father clean the bedroom.彼利不帮他父亲打扫房间。

5.Zaitsev gave her daughter a stuff bears toys, I begin to clean the bedroom of health.扎伊采夫就给了女儿一个毛毛熊玩具后,就开始打扫卧室的卫生。

6.I have to dump out the dust bunny every time I clean the bedroom.每次清理卧室时,我都会清出一团灰尘。

7.I can clean the bedroom. I can cook the meals. I can wash the clothes.我能打扫房间。我可以做饭。我会洗衣服。

8.clean the bedroom I can clean the bedroom.我会打扫卧室。打扫卧室

9.The National Day is coming, let's clean the bedroom throughly.国庆节就要到了,咱们把寝室彻底打扫一下吧。

10.We didn't have to clean the bedroom yesterday.昨天我们没有必要打扫寝室。