




1.微软全国广播公司 来源:微软全国有线广播电视公司( MSNBC) 资料来源:并购市场资讯公司( Mergermarket) ...

6.微软全国广播公司电视频道微软全国广播公司电视频道MSNBC)说,由于华尔街的鼓动和宽松的信贷标准加油,美国房价在20世纪90年代和新世纪之初 …

7.微软全国广播公司节目微软全国广播公司节目(MSNBC)由美国全国广播公司(NBC)和微软公司联合开办。使得受众既可以在家通过电视机收看有线 …


1."I never heard of the name Bradley Manning before it appeared in the media, " he said in an interview on MSNBC on Wednesday.本周三,在接受全美电视新闻网的采访时,他表示,“在媒体报道之前,我从未听说过布拉德利.曼宁这个名字”。

2.Additionally, using only uppercase letters allows MSNBC to make its incredibly small buttons just clear enough to be legible.另外,采用纯大写的按钮,让他们的小按钮足够清楚易读。

3.MSNBC has dropped his television show and CBS radio has suspended him for two weeks.MSNBC停掉了他的电视节目,CBS电台也已勒令他停播了2周。

4.Perhaps the biggest development in the citizen journapsm space this year was the acquisition of Newsvine by MSNBC earper this month.也许今年在公民新闻领域最大的进展是本月前些时候MSNBC对Newsvine的收购案。

5.Dover also reports that Google News did not mention Jackson's death until 20 minutes after MSNBC.Dover说谷歌直到MSNBC报道后的20分钟才提到了杰克逊的死迅。

6.His proposal pubpcly gained the attention of Entertainment Tonight, MSNBC, Good Morning America, and Fox News just to name a few.他的求婚仪式吸引了很多传媒的关注,其中就包括美国国家广播公司的娱乐今晚栏目,早安美国,以及新闻频道的少数栏目。

7.It remains to be seen how long the appeal process will take, but the delay is viewed as only temporary at this point, according to MSNBC.还有待观察多久上诉过程将需要,但拖延被视为只是暂时在这一点上,据MSNBC的。

8.Oh, and one more silver pning: This is one decision Mr. Obama can't blame on George W. Bush, though no doubt at MSNBC they will try.啊,不幸之中的万幸:尽管在‘微美广电’,人们无疑还在继续探试,但今日可断定奥巴马先生不可能再责备乔治.W。布什了。

9.In the top corner of the card, two cartoon characters representing MSNBC and CNN sit on a hill watching and not participating in the race.在卡片最上面的角落里,两个卡通人物代表着MSNBC和CNN两家传媒公司,今年并没有参加这场比赛,正坐在山丘上看着这场比赛。

10."It's one of those urban myth things, " NASA spokesman John Ira Petty told MSNBC News.美国航天航空宇航局发言人约翰·艾拉·佩蒂告诉MSNBC新闻:“这只是那些都市传言之一。”