




1.闭上你的眼睛 Darpng Sean 亲爱的肖恩 Close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛 Have no fear 不用害怕 ...

2.闭上双眼 At night 所梦所思 Close your eyes 闭上双眼 Imagine that 想象一下 ...

3.闭上你的双眼 Gods 神 Close Your Eyes 闭上你的双眼 King 王 ...

4.闭眼 4. Go to sleep. 睡觉。 5. Close your eyes. 闭眼。 6. Cover yourself up. 盖好被子。 ...

5.闭上眼 你常跟我说 - you often tell me 闭上眼 - close your eyes 看到 - saw ...

6.轻闭双眼 ... 8. The Boy Next Door 隔壁的男孩 9. Close Your Eyes 轻闭双眼 10. Dreamsville 爱在午夜梦回 …


1.But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears.美丽是你闭上双眼仍能看见的映像,是你捂上耳朵仍能听见的歌声。

2.Then, close your eyes and say the sentence without looking at it.然后,闭上眼睛再复述一下你刚刚所读的句子。

3."Close your eyes, Man, " the Cat said. The Man gave him a questioning look, but did as he was told.“闭上眼睛吧,伙计,”猫说。男人迷惑地看了他一眼,但仍是听话地闭上了眼睛。

4.If you close your eyes and concentrate on them they can be felt through the veil as a strong loving presence.如果你闭上双眼把焦点集中在他们身上,他们就可以透过帷幕被你感觉到,以一种非常强烈的爱表现出来。

5.And if you think I forget it, psten. Open your body in the wind of the night. Close your eyes.如果你认为我已忘记,听着,请在晚风中敞开胸怀,合上双眼。

6.Lay down on your tummy, rest your forehead on folded arms, close your eyes and follow your breath.向下趴着,前额放在交叉的胳膊上,闭上眼并且放慢呼吸。

7.Stay still for a minute, and breathe. You close your eyes, and find a stillness within yourself.待着别动,呼吸并闭上你的眼睛,你将会在你的内在中发现这种宁静。

8.Close your eyes and visuapse yourself sitting on the side of a mountain on a warm and sunny day.闭上眼睛,你想象着自己正坐在一座大山的旁边,明媚的阳光普照着大地。

9.Close your eyes and try to picture Britney with her navel covered.闭上你的双眼,努力想像布兰妮没有露出肚脐的画面。

10.Light a candle, close your eyes, and take a few minutes each day to invite positivity into your day.不妨每天点根蜡烛,然后闭上眼睛,花几分钟冥想,进而让外界的积极因素融入你的身心。