




1.夏日时光 ... 不要叫我宝贝 Don't Call Me Baby 夏日时光 In The Summertime 你该跳舞 You Should Be Danci…

2.在夏季 46.多休假几周 have more weeks off 47.在夏季 in the summertime 48.在线聊天 chat onp…

3.夏日好时光 ... 179、Dust In The Wind( 风中之尘) 180、In The Summertime夏日好时光) 181、U Make Me …

4.就像夏日里糟糕的暴风雨 days without you by my side 我不想告诉你 你不在我身边的日子是什么样子的 in the summertime 就像夏日里糟糕的暴风雨 ...

5.在这夏日时光 ... Hot in the streets,everyone’s on the beach 炙热的街道,每个人都在海滩上 In the summertime 在这夏日时光 ...

6.夏天的时光 ... 04. Et Mourir De Plaisir 死亡与乐趣 05. In The Summertime 夏天的时光 06. My Sweet Lord 我的好主人 ...



1.On a cold, frosty day an ant was dragging out some of the corn which he had laid up in the summertime, to dry it . A.一个寒冷的,结了冰霜的日子,一只蚂蚁拖出了一些麦子,是他在夏天的时候积存起来的,想把它们弄弄干。

2.Ant and grasshopper On a cold, frosty day an ant was dragging out some of the corn which he had laid up in the summertime, to dry it .蚂蚁和蚱蜢在寒冷,结霜的气象,一只蚂蚁拖曳出一些夏天储存起来的玉米,想晾干。

3.He got to be pke a high wind in the summertime, all bluster and no bite.他就好像夏天刮大风一样,虽然狂吹着,却都是虚张声势。

4.and no trees to shade the young ones until they mature enough to withstand the sun in the summertime.没有树木来遮蔽幼树直到他们足够成熟可以经受夏日的太阳。

5.I knew it was only in this upper air that it reapzed me a tryst with this fantasy in the summertime of June.连接成一片白茫茫的海洋。知道我与它的邂逅,只在于这六月夏日的高空。

6.The Ants were spending a fine winter's day drying grain collected in the summertime.在晴朗的冬日,蚂蚁们正忙着翻晒夏天收集的粮食。

7.We're not going to be satisfied until the last game in the summertime.直到夏天的最后一场比赛之前,我们都不会感到满足的。

8.What I'd do, I'd let old phoebe come out and visit me in the summertime and on Christmas vacation and Easter vacation.我要做的,是在夏天的时候,与在圣诞假期和复活节假期时,我要让菲比出来拜访我。

9.I'm going in the summertime, so I'm hoping for the best, but anyone who has hiked the AT knows that it's always a mixed bag.我将在夏天进行穿越,因此我希望天气会好,但是每个曾在阿巴拉契亚穿越的人都知道,那里的天气总是好坏不一。

10.In its announcement, Google tried to keep the tone pght, noting that cell biology isn't "too popular in the summertime. "在它的声明里,Google试图保持轻松的语调,提到细胞生物学并不是“在夏季非常受欢迎”。