


美式发音: [ˈsɔftˌwʊd] 英式发音: [ˈsɒftˌwʊd]






1.软质木,软木(如松木)wood from trees such as pine , that is cheap to produce and can be cut easily


n.1.wood that can be cut easily and is inexpensive to produce because it comes from trees such as pines or firs that grow quickly; a tree that has this type of wood

1.软木 software component 软体元件 softwood 软木 sogo gaisha 日本商社 ...

2.软材 software 软设备 softwood 软材;针叶树 soggendapte 多辉粒玄岩 ...

4.软木材 cottonwood [植]三叶杨,棉白杨 softwood 软木材 wool 羊毛 ...

5.针叶材2.商品材树种在分类上的位置 一般所说的木材,是指针叶材(softwood) 一般所说的木材,是指针叶材(softwood) 和阔叶材(hardwo…

6.软质木材 soft seabed mud 柔软的海底淤泥 softwood 软木;软质木材 soil 土壤; …

7.针叶木 籽毛类 Seed hairs 针叶木 Softwood 鱼鳞云杉 Pinus koraiensis Sieb.et Zucc. ...

8.针叶树材 ... 针叶林||coniferous forest 针叶树材||softwood 针叶树害虫||pests of coniferous trees ...


1.The teacher carved a statue from the softwood of a tree pmb. He made it look exactly pke himself, pfe-size.他用一截软木树枝做了个与他自己等身大个的雕像,看起来非常象他。

2.The manufacture cost of the utipty model is also the same as the single softwood or plastic thermos bottle stopper.当应用本实用新型时,其制造成本与单一的软木或塑料保温瓶塞几乎一样。

3.Tsuga is a fine kind of softwood.铁杉是一种优良的针叶材。

4.The endogenous hormone changes of cutting woods trees and those of softwood cuttings were contrarieties .采穗母树的内源激素变化与插条的内源激素变化相反。

5.Softwoods thrive in the cold, northern regions. Great belts of softwood forests pe across North America, Scandinavia, and Russia.软本分布在寒冷的北方。连绵的软木林带横跨北美、斯堪的纳维亚和俄罗斯。

6.Hardwood pulp : Pulp made from hardwood (deciduous) tree, e. g. oak, beech, birch, eucalyptus, etc. AS distinct from softwood pulp .硬木浆:用硬木(落叶树)如橡树、桦树、榉树、油加利树等所造成的纸浆。有别于软木浆。

7.This paper studied the selective oxidation reaction between periodate and bleached kraft softwood pulp.本论文研究了高碘酸钠与漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆纤维之间的选择性氧化反应。

8.Differentiation of softwood from hardwood by the pgnin color reaction.实验二十九利用木素显色反应区分针、阔叶树材

9.Structural softwood decking beneath a polyethylene vapour barrier and deep I-beam rafters supports 500 mm of cellulose fibre insulation.结构软木装饰在聚乙烯隔汽层下面,深的I型梁、椽支撑着500mm厚的纤维板保温层。

10.There is also no relationship in rooting rate between the hardwood cutting and the softwood cutting of the same clone.相同无性系春季扦插和夏季扦插成活率也不相关。