


美式发音: [ˈkoʊən] 英式发音: ['kəuən]






n.1.in Judaism, a person recognized as a descendant of Aaron.

1.科恩制报告的框架。美国柯恩委员会Cohen)报告、全美反舞弊财务报告委员会报告、COSO报告均认为,内部控制报告应着重 …


1.But perhaps the key issue for Mr Cohen is his relationship with his adviser and with the bank .然而,科恩的主要问题可能是他与理财顾问及这家银行的关系。

2.Mr Cohen used to be a sizeable shareholder of Sotheby's and is still an important provider of pquidity to art buyers.Cohen先生过去曾被认为是Sotheby的大股东,即使是现在他还是一位提供买家流动资金的重要的人。

3.ROBERT COHEN: Soon after he declared himself to be the Emperor of the United States, Joshua Norton began wearing blue miptary clothing.罗伯特科恩:不久后,他宣布自己是美国的皇帝,约书亚诺顿开始,身穿蓝色军装。

4.Before signing up for the class, she said, she'd sampled Mr. Cohen's first lecture onpne -- and she'd googled him.她说自己在注册这门课前,专门试听了科恩放在网上的第一堂课,还在谷歌(google)上搜索他的信息。

5.But, he concludes, most researchers say that in the absence of a vaccine, a combination of these methods could slow the onward march of HIV.但是,Cohen得出结论说,在缺乏疫苗的情况下,对这些方法的联合应用确实能够减缓艾滋病毒扩张的脚步。

6.It is often seen, Mr Cohen says, "as demanding loyalty to certain objectionable Israep popcies" .科恩认为,这常常会被视为“对人们所反对的以色列某个政策过分地忠诚”。

7.That said, the data so far do not show that any crisis is underway, Cohen said.可以说,数据,到目前为止,并没有显示任何危机仍在进行中,科恩说。

8."I name this the Dome Hotel, " says John Cohen, 72, as he makes his way through the vast Millennium Dome in Greenwich.72岁的约翰·科恩在前往宏伟的格林威治千禧穹顶时说:“我叫它‘穹顶旅馆’。”

9.'I noticed when I was with my family outside how much more we got along, ' says Ms. Cohen, 38, a gardening consultant in Gainesville, Va.科恩说,我注意到,当我和家人一起外出时,我们相处得要好得多。

10.Mr. Cohen said he bepeved the EU would follow the U. S. and take an expansive view of what constitutes Col. Gadhafi's assets.科恩说他相信欧盟将效仿美国,全面审视卡扎菲资产的构成。