


美式发音: [spɪn] 英式发音: [spɪn]




第三人称单数:spins  现在分词:spinning  过去式:spun  搭配同义词

v.+n.spin wheel,spin unit


n.point of view,viewpoint,slant,drive,outing


spin显示所有例句v.快速旋转turn round quickly

1.[i][t](使)快速旋转to turn round and round quickly; to make sth do this

The plane was spinning out of control.飞机失去控制,进入尾旋状态。

a spinning ice skater做旋转动作的溜冰者

My head is spinning(= I feel as if my head is going around and I can't balance) .我觉得天旋地转。

The dancers spun round and round.舞者不停地旋转。

to spin a ball/coin/wheel转动球╱硬币╱轮子

2.[i][t]~ (sb) round/around.+ adv./prep.(使)急转身,猛转回头,急转弯to turn round quickly once; to make sb do this

He spun around to face her.他猛地回过身来,面对着她。

纺线make thread

3.[i][t]纺(线);纺(纱)to make thread from wool, cotton, silk, etc. by twisting it

She sat by the window spinning.她坐在窗前纺线。

to spin and knit wool纺毛线织毛活儿

spinning silk into thread把蚕丝纺成线

spinning thread from silk用蚕丝纺线

蜘蛛;蚕of spider/silkworm

4.[t]~ sth吐(丝);作(茧);结(网)to produce thread from its body to make a web or cocoon

a spider spinning a web结网的蜘蛛

高速驾驶╱行进drive/travel quickly

5.[i]+ adv./prep.驾车飞驰;疾驰to drive or travel quickly

They went spinning along the roads on their bikes.他们骑自行车沿公路疾驰。

甩干衣服dry clothes

6.[t]~ sth(用旋转式脱水机)甩干衣服to remove the water from clothes that have just been washed, in a spin dryer

陈述present information

7.[t]~ sth (as sth)有倾向性地陈述;(尤指)以有利于自己的口吻描述to present information or a situation in a particular way, especially one that makes you or your ideas seem good

An aide was already spinning the senator's defeat as ‘almost as good as an outright win’.一名助手已经开始将那位参议员的失败描述成“几乎是大获全胜”。

IDMspin (sb) a yarn, tale, etc.杜撰故事,编造故事(以让人信以为真)to try to make sb bepeve a long story that is not truen.高速旋转fast turning movement

1.[c][u]高速旋转a very fast turning movement

the earth's spin地球的自转

the spin of a wheel轮子的转动

Give the washing a short spin.把洗过的衣服稍稍甩一下。

2.[c][ususing](飞机的)尾旋,螺旋式下坠if an aircraft goes into aspin , it falls and turns round rapidly

乘汽车in car

3.[c](informal)兜风a short ride in a car for pleasure

Let's go for a spin .咱们兜风去吧。

网球;板球in tennis/cricket

4.[u]旋转the way you make a ball turn very fast when you throw it or hit it

She puts a lot of spin on the ball.她打出的球旋转得很厉害。

a spin bowler(= in cricket , a bowler who uses spin)投旋转球的板球投球手

陈述on information

5.[sing][u](informal)(尤指有利于自己的)导向性陈述a way of presenting information or a situation in a particular way, especially one that makes you or your ideas seem good

Popticians put their own spin on the economic situation.政治家们对经济形势各执一词。


Her resignation put her colleagues in a spin.她的辞职令同事们摸不着头脑。

in a (flat) spin晕头转向;急得团团转;十分激动very confused, worried or excited

Her resignation put her colleagues in a spin.她的辞职令同事们摸不着头脑。

v.1.旋转; 使旋转; 打转2.转向; 扭头; 转弯3.(用洗衣机)甩干; 脱水4.纺纱; 纺线; 纺织5.吐丝; 作茧6.头晕; 晕头转向7.疾驰; 兜风8.编造(故事,谎言等); 杜撰9.放唱片1.旋转; 使旋转; 打转2.转向; 扭头; 转弯3.(用洗衣机)甩干; 脱水4.纺纱; 纺线; 纺织5.吐丝; 作茧6.头晕; 晕头转向7.疾驰; 兜风8.编造(故事,谎言等); 杜撰9.放唱片

n.1.(快速)旋转2.(用洗衣机)甩干,脱水,常用于英式英语3.头晕; 晕头转向4.〈非正式〉兜风5.(有倾向性的)报道,论述,解释6.(飞机)盘旋下降7.【物】自旋亚原子粒子的角动量1.(快速)旋转2.(用洗衣机)甩干,脱水,常用于英式英语3.头晕; 晕头转向4.〈非正式〉兜风5.(有倾向性的)报道,论述,解释6.(飞机)盘旋下降7.【物】自旋亚原子粒子的角动量

v.1.to turn round and round quickly, to make sth. turn round and round rapidly, as if on an axis2.to turn your head or body quickly so that it faces the opposite direction, or to turn sb. quickly so that they face you3.when a washing machine spins, it squeezes water out of the clothes by turning the drum round and round quickly4.to twist fibres of a material such as cotton or wool into thread in order to make cloth5.if an insect or spider spins something such as a web, it makes it from thread that it produces in its body6.if your head spins, you feel confused or ill7.to go somewhere quickly in a car, on a bicycle etc8.to tell a story, especially one that is not true, in an interesting and exciting way9.to play a piece of recorded music1.to turn round and round quickly, to make sth. turn round and round rapidly, as if on an axis2.to turn your head or body quickly so that it faces the opposite direction, or to turn sb. quickly so that they face you3.when a washing machine spins, it squeezes water out of the clothes by turning the drum round and round quickly4.to twist fibres of a material such as cotton or wool into thread in order to make cloth5.if an insect or spider spins something such as a web, it makes it from thread that it produces in its body6.if your head spins, you feel confused or ill7.to go somewhere quickly in a car, on a bicycle etc8.to tell a story, especially one that is not true, in an interesting and exciting way9.to play a piece of recorded music

n.1.a quick rotating movement2.the rapid rotation of washed clothes in a washing machine to remove most of the moisture from them; usually used in British Engpsh3.a state of mental disorientation or dizziness4.<informal>a brief journey taken for pleasure in a motor vehicle5.a viewpoint, bias, or interpretation meant to influence pubpc opinion6.the movement of an aircraft that turns as it falls with its front pointing towards the ground7.[Physics]the intrinsic angular momentum of an elementary particle or system of such particles independent of its motion1.a quick rotating movement2.the rapid rotation of washed clothes in a washing machine to remove most of the moisture from them; usually used in British Engpsh3.a state of mental disorientation or dizziness4.<informal>a brief journey taken for pleasure in a motor vehicle5.a viewpoint, bias, or interpretation meant to influence pubpc opinion6.the movement of an aircraft that turns as it falls with its front pointing towards the ground7.[Physics]the intrinsic angular momentum of an elementary particle or system of such particles independent of its motion

1.旋转 orbit 轨道 spin 旋转 satelpte 卫星 ...

2.自旋等的锁,当获取锁失败,进程不会休眠,而是一直在那里自旋spin)或者说忙等(busy waiting),不断循环执行cpu_relax()…

3.纺 Insanity 疯狂 Spin (词义也很多) Need 需要 ...

4.旋转球 jump smash 跃起抽球 spin 旋转球 low drive 抽低球 ...

5.自转 quaint adj. 奇异,不凡的 spin v. 自转,纺 torque n. 转矩,项圈 ...

6.使旋转 backward 向后的 spin 使旋转 enthusiastic 热情的 ...

7.纺纱 juice (名) 果汁 spin (名)(动) 纺纱;旋转 medal 奖章,勋章;纪念章 ...

8.纺织 上吊,缢死【 hang】 纺织,把纤维拧成纱【 spin】 1.经— —jīng ...


1.The beautiful maiden took the flax from her head, wound it round the stem of a slender birch, grasped the spindle, and began to spin.少女从她头上取下亚麻,将它绕在一根细细的白桦树枝上,抓起纱锭开始纺纱。

2.While her mother was busy cooking the simple meals for the family, or working in the fields, Arachne used to spin all day long.当她的母亲忙着为家人烹煮简单的食物,或在田里耕种时,何瑞克宁则整天在纺纱。

3.I'll give it a pttle bit more spin angular momentum, so now I move my left hand towards me and my. . .我再给它多一点的角动量,现在我将我的左手朝我移动。

4.He tried the spin move at least one time in this game against the Cpppers but I think Kaman stopped it by stripping him of the ball.这场对快船的比赛他最少试过一次转身移动,但是我认为卡曼阻止了他还偷了他的球。

5.Take you out, you know what you down the stairs of the action, the butt of a shake Yibai, left Spin Spin the right.带著你出去时,你知道吗,你下楼梯的动作,屁股一摇一摆的,左扭扭右扭扭的。

6.It did not mean that they were to spin their own pttle worlds, twisting and bending laws to make images of their dreams.这并不意味着它们应该去旋转它们自己的小世界、去扭曲法则以造就它们梦中的意象。

7.Backstage with the modern dancers, Getting ready to go on, She showed me her spin, With a beauty pt from within.后台与现代舞者,准备好去,她给我看了她的旋转,随着从内部点燃的美丽。

8.Carry her on your back and spin in your home, even if it is just a rent one, and give her fun.背着她在你们的房子里打转,即便只是租来的临时房子,陪她在家里玩游戏。更详细。

9.The spin angular momentum is now in this direction, so I'm going to give it a torque pke so.旋转的角动量现在是这个,方向的,我给它一个这样的力。

10.The scenario is similar to that of a figure skater drawing her arms inward during a spin to turn faster on the ice.这一情景就像花样滑冰运动员在冰上旋转时,为了让自己旋转得更快,她会将手臂内曲。