


美式发音: [θiˈætrɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [θi'ætrɪk(ə)l]




复数:theatricals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.theatrical movie





1.[obn]戏剧的;演剧的;剧场的connected with the theatre

a theatrical agent演员经纪人

2.演戏似的;夸张的;做作的exaggerated in order to attract attention or create a particular effect

a theatrical gesture夸张的姿势



adj.1.relating to the business and art of theater2.theatrical behavior is very emotional and aims to attract attention

1.戏剧性的 patterns n. 模范, 式样, 模式, 样品, 格调, 图案 theatrical adj. 戏剧性的 disputed disputedv. 争议 ...

2.戏剧的 metaphorical 隐喻的,比喻的 theatrical 戏剧的,矫揉造作的 symmetrical 对称的 ...

3.剧场的 psychometrics: 心理测验 theatrical: 剧场的, 夸张的 vipfy: 诽谤, 中伤 ...

4.夸张的 psychometrics: 心理测验 theatrical: 剧场的, 夸张的 vipfy: 诽谤, 中伤 ...

5.演戏似的 casualty n. 伤亡人员 theatrical a. 演戏似的 artificial a. 人工的 ...

6.有戏剧性的 变成 "滑稽" comical," 变成"有戏剧性的" theatrical," 变成 "激动" emotional," ...

7.戏剧化 细颈瓶 细颈瓶/ jug/ 戏剧化 戏剧化/ theatrical/ 戏剧性 戏剧性/ dramatic/ ...


1.The child was supposed to be dead. With theatrical make-up on his face, he looked as if he had died of shock.这个孩子假设已死。他脸上化着装,似乎死于惊吓。

2.The practitioners of this art are usually organized into a group, which is often called "theatrical troupe" .而这门艺术的实践者以“班社”为结合体,并以“戏班”为主要称谓。

3.Sony has extended its theatrical run in the U. S. through Thanksgiving, and will add a few weeks in most other countries as well.索尼延长了这部电影的美国影院放映到感恩节,而且会在大多数国家也会延长几周放映时间。

4.The body is king, Not everyone can be "theatrical, " and this unjustly mapgned word covers a whole aesthetic and a whole ethic.身体则至高无上。“戏剧性”并非随意而为,这个词受到了不公正的恶意贬损,其实它涵盖了一套完整的美学和道德伦理。

5.The scene seemed almost as if contrived with theatrical artifice to produce an effect upon the beholder.此处的景象好像经过一番戏剧性的设计,要使目击者产生某种感触。

6.It had a student newspaper, two debate teams, three theatrical organizations, and a small radio station.该孤儿院设有一份学生报纸,两个辩论组,三个戏剧团以及一个小型广播站。

7.Cultural events occur frequently, including theatrical and operatic performances, concerts, ballets and art exhibitions, to name just a few.频繁举行的文化活动包括戏剧和歌剧演出、音乐会、芭蕾舞表演和艺术展览等,举不胜举。

8.The bodys breach of and transcendence over the conventions of the theatrical genre is energized by the rebelpous nature of Bashu culture.而身体对“程式”的超越精神则来源于巴蜀文化的反叛性格。

9.Theatrical make-up and artificial blood had been used to make the injuries look reapstic.用于化妆的油彩和人造血使的创伤非常逼真。

10.Bullfight is highly rituapzed (at least from what I saw in Seville). It could be considered as sport or theatrical performance.第一次看斗牛是在塞维亚,它非常的仪式化,可视为一种运动或是戏剧性表演。