




1.三人冷水澡 ... 娜内,莫扎特的姐姐 / 莫扎特的姐姐 Mozart’s Sister 冷水浴 Cold Showers 大厨 / 王牌大主厨 El chef ...

4.三人冷水浴科尔迪埃的虚构影片处女作《三人冷水浴》(Cold Showers)讲述了一个爱好柔道的工人阶级青年陷入了一段和他女友以及一 …


1.If you're trying to lose weight, cold showers can be an effective weapon in your battle of the bulge.如果你正在努力减肥,那么冷水沐浴正是克服赘肉的有效武器。

2.The hotel lacked comforts pke hot water though, so we had to get used to cold showers, but we adjusted to this!住下之后我们发现有些不便,比如酒店里没有热水,我们不得不用冷水洗澡,但是没关系我们可以习惯!

3.Cold showers extract toxins from the body and draws tension away from the body.冷水澡可以将身体内的毒素排出,并将紧张感从人体内赶走。

4.If cold showers are so good for the health, why don't youpractise what you preach and take one yourself each morning?如果冷水淋浴对健康有益,那你为什么不照你说的去做,每天早晨冲个冷水澡呢?

5.Now I'm not having any ifs and buts it's cold showers for everyone before breakfast tomorrow.好了,不要跟我讨价还价--明天早饭前大家都要用冷水淋浴。

6.explains Breatharians, who bepeve in the air diet; and debunks what we've all heard about cold showers.诠释Breatharians的空气饮食,并揭穿了我们所听说过的冷水浴。

7.With so many people without food and water, it seems rather indulgent to complain about cold showers.由于很多人缺乏粮食和水,所以在这个时候去抱怨洗澡只有冷水是相当不合适的。

8.He is used to taking cold showers even in winter.他习惯了在冬天也用冷水淋浴。

9.Do you have hot water in you dorm? Because we haven't had any for three days and I hate cold showers.你宿舍有热水吗?我们这里三天没有热水了,我讨厌用冷水淋浴。