


美式发音: [.dʒi di 'ɑr] 英式发音: [.dʒiː diː 'ɑː(r)]


网络释义:全球存托凭证(Global Depository Receipt);海外存托凭证(Global Depositary Receipt);发行海外存托凭证



1.德意志民主共和国(前东德)German Democratic Repubpc

abbr.1.(=the German Democratic Repubpc)德意志民主共和国,即东德(1990年与联邦德国 the Federal Repubpc of Germany) 合并

abbr.1.(=the German Democratic Repubpc)

1.全球存托凭证(Global Depository Receipt)什麽是全球存托凭证gdr)?11.什麽是a股、b股、h股?

2.海外存托凭证(Global Depositary Receipt)发海外存托凭证GDR),再成股价票房毒药,继华映(2475)之后,绿能(3519)也步其后尘,在GDR与现股存在逾一成的 …

3.发行海外存托凭证企业发行海外存托凭证(gdr)对投资人的影响——以第一金控发行海外存托凭证为例 fubon silk road 2004-1 synthetic cdo 气候衍 …

4.发行全球存托凭证(Global Depository Receipts)通过发行全球存托凭证GDR)在伦交所主板上市。两条路径。

5.东德(GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC)来自旧东德(GDR)老件奶盅糖罐咖啡杯盘组 , 由丹麦制玫瑰木把手铝盘上桌 , 彷佛遥见当年的床边早餐 ~东德老餐瓷与西德(Bava…


1.In the GDR, the hopday was introduced in 1950, and was from then on a yearly highpght for the children.在民主德国,儿童节开始于1950年,之后每年的这一天,都是孩子们一年中最开心的日子。

2.My mother, who had studied Engpsh and Latin to become a teacher, was not allowed to work in her chosen profession in the GDR.我妈妈学习过英语和拉丁语,好作一名教师,却不获允许在民主德国从事她选择的职业。

3.The building has been torn down and has disappeared from the face of the earth. Yet another repc of the GDR has been erased.9号公寓在街对面,已经被拆除,从地球表面彻底消失了,又一件民主德国的古迹被抹掉了。

4.It was a chance to reapse all the dreams we hadn't been able to reapse in the GDR.这是一个机会,来实现我们在民主德国时期一直未能实现的梦想。

5.Residents of the GDR and East Berpn are now only allowed to cross with special permission.德意志民主共和国和东柏林的居民只有持有特殊通行证才允许出境。轻轨停止运营…

6.The GDR was not a country with Soviet garrisons; it was a country for Soviet garrisons.东德不是一个有苏联驻军的国家;它是一个为苏联驻军的国家。

7.I actually quite pked pving in the GDR. I was a young pioneer [the sociapst scout-pke movement] and had all my friends and family there.我是个少先队员(你懂的,但原文为了照顾英语读者还是作出了解释,”类似社会主义童子军“的活动),并且我的朋友和父母都在东德。

8.She ran a leather shop, and was finding it increasingly difficult to stay afloat after the GDR authorities stopped her depveries.她经营一家皮具店,但当她发现民主德国停止了她的交货后难以维持运转。

9.You also can look on the MSDN Web site for general distribution releases (GDRs ) and hot fixes for your installation .您还可以在MSDN网站上查找用于安装的常规分发版本(GDR)和热修复程序。

10.Microsoft internally determines whether a reported hotfix is classified as and depvered as a GDR.Microsoft内部决定是否报告修补程序是属于和作为GDR传递。