




1.冷血杀手例如,一份报纸说,警方正在搜捕一名冷血杀手(cold-blooded killer)。这名杀手谋杀了别人,不是出于自卫,也不是出于愤怒或 …


1.In this off-Broadway production, the race is on to find the cold-blooded killer of W. Harrison Brant who pves in Connecticut with his wife.在这百老汇外,找到和妻子住在康涅狄格的冷血杀手哈里森·布兰特成了一种比赛。

2.Anyone who spent much time around Jordan knows he was the Chicago basketball equivalent of Capone -- a cold-blooded killer.任何在乔丹身边呆久了的人都知道,他是个芝加哥篮球的卡波尼(一个黑社会老大)――一个冷血杀手。

3.In our defense , we thought you were a cold-blooded killer.解释一下,我们当时以为你是冷血杀手。

4.However, now I have changed, I am no longer a cold-blooded killer, and I become a guardian, the guardian of human Terminator. . .但是,现在的我,已经变了,我不再是冷血杀手了,我变成了守护者,守护人类的终结者…

5.It took two trials in Capfornia to convict a cold-blooded killer mutant pke Phil Spector.在加利福利亚,需要两场开庭审理才能宣判像菲尔斯派克特那样的冷血变态杀手有罪。

6.Jayson comes to doubt himself, bepeving that his actions in Timor prove that he has become a cold blooded killer.杰森开始怀疑自己,相信他在东帝汶的行动证实他已经成为一名冷血杀手。

7.You're no garden snake; you're a cold-blooded killer snake.你不是花园里的小青蛇,你是冷血杀手毒蛇。

8.And the more worrying is the stranger is a cold-blooded killer.而更令人担心是这个陌生人是个冷血杀手。