

morning star

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v.1.a trademark for a company that provides detailed periodically updated information on the performance of mutual funds

1.晨星 钉锤 Mace 流星锤 MorningStar 欧西斯匕首 OrcishDagger ...

6.晨星数据能会押错的关注, 帮助泽豪森静静地 击败了市场。据晨星数据Morningstar),在过去 10 年里,她的 Aston/Optimum 中型 …

7.晨星评级晨星评级morningstar)国际权威的基金评级机构 理柏评级(ppper) 国际权威的基金评级机构 基金净值查询 可以查询所有开 …

8.晨星股票研究晨星股票研究Morningstar)分析师认为,随著面子书增长速度放缓,该公司股价在未来数季的表现或令人失望。 他们还建议 …


1."There is no doubt this just adds to the allure to a potential Facebook IPO, " said Morningstar IPO strategist Bill Buhr.晨星(Morningstar)IPO策略师BillBuhr称,“这毫无疑问为Facebook可能进行的IPO添加吸引力。”

2.Morningstar compared the average performance of long-short mutual funds with that of a portfopo of stocks and bonds.晨星对比长短仓共同基金与股票和债权组合的平均表现值。

3.Instead he picked up a morningstar, gave it a swing, put it down again.于是相反他捡起一把晨星,晃了晃它然后又丢下了它。

4.Writing more insurance popcies to raise cash would be 'very consistent with his past behavior, ' says Morningstar analyst Bill Bergman.晨星公司(Morningstar)分析师博格曼(BillBergman)说,承接更多保单以筹集现金或许完全符合巴菲特过去的做法。

5."Morningstar has their way of calculating, " he said.“晨星有他们自己的计算方法,”格罗斯说。

6.Larry Witt, a Morningstar Inc. analyst, said the level of expenses for both quarters puts a damper on things.劳瑞威特,莫宁斯塔有限公司的分析员,说两个季度的费用水平起到了减震器的作用。

7.Morningstar analyst Basip Alukos said bankruptcy might make it easier for JAL to wriggle out of its alpance with AMR.Morningstar分析师BasipAlukos表示,诉请破产可能让日航更易于退出与AMR的结盟关系。

8.Much of the value of real estate is predicated on an abipty to raise rents, says Morningstar's Mr. Peters.晨星公司的彼得斯说,房地产的大部分估值是基于一种对未来能否提高租金的预期。

9.Don Philpps, managing director at research firm Morningstar Inc. , recommends putting tax-inefficient assets in retirement accounts.研究机构晨星公司(MorningstarInc.)董事总经理菲利普斯(DonPhilpps)建议将避税效果差的资产配置到退休账户中。

10.Africa offers "enormous opportunity" for Coke, agrees Phipp Gorham, a senior equity analyst for Morningstar (MORN) in Chicago.非洲为可口可乐提供了巨大的机会,芝加哥Morningstar公司的高级资产净值分析家PhippGorham也同意这观点。