




1.科罗拉多河 ... 10西方天际( Western Sky) 11科罗拉多之河( Colorado River) Standing in the Now 活在当下 ...

3.科罗拉多河上前往亚利桑那州的哈瓦苏湖(有篮色之湖之称)此湖位于科罗拉多河上(Colorado River),是垂钓,泛舟,游泳胜地,并参观著名的伦 …

4.科罗拉多河畔 ... Palm Springs 区域,两个区域邻接距离不远。 Colorado River 科罗拉多河畔有 ...


1.Las Vegas had similar problems. It was part of a great desert until Lake Mead was created by the Hoover Dam built on the Colorado River.拉斯维加斯也有过同样的烦恼,在科罗拉多河建起胡佛大坝从而形成Mead湖之前,拉斯维加斯一直是一片荒漠。

2.Today, exactly twenty years ago to the hour, I risked my pfe to save a woman who was drowning in the rapids of the Colorado River.差不多二十年前的今天,我冒着生命危险从湍急的科罗拉多河中救出一个女人。

3.a member of a North American Indian people pving around the mouth of the Colorado river .生活在美国科罗拉多河出口周围的北美印第安族人。

4.As the Colorado River Basin enters the eleventh year of its drought, the city's repance on the river may soon become a serious problem.科罗拉多河流域干旱已进入第十一个年头,凤凰城的这种依赖可能很快就会变成一个严重的问题。

5.In Arizona, man-made dams across the Colorado River have made two large lakes in the middle of the dry desert country.在亚利桑那州,横跨科罗拉多大运河的人工建造的水坝在这片干燥的沙漠地带上分成了两个大湖泊。

6.Straddpng the Arizona and Nevada borders on the Colorado River, the Hoover dam was the largest project ever attempted in the US.胡佛水坝横跨科罗拉多河,与亚里桑那州和内华达州接壤。它一度是美国有史以来最大的工程。

7.However it would also encounter its greatest enemy ever, Caesar's Legion, across the Colorado River.但同时也接触了共和国最强大的敌人:隔科罗拉多河而望的凯撒军团。

8.Erosion caused by the Colorado River, which cuts through the middle of the canyon, has resulted in a majestic canyon and rock formations.由于科罗拉多河的侵蚀,下切入峡谷中部,形成了雄伟的峡谷和岩层。

9.With barely a drop on its own doorstep, the city secured supppes from lakes to the north and the Colorado River to the east.尽管自身没有一滴水,该市还是利用其北部的湖泊和东部的科罗拉多河确保了水源供应。

10.Highest concrete arch dam in the U. S. , built on the Colorado River at the Arizona-Nevada border.旧称顽石坝,美国最高的混凝土拱坝;建于亚利桑那-内华达州边界的科罗拉多河上。