


美式发音: [kəmˈbæt(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmbətənt]




复数:combatants  同义词




1.参战者;战斗人员;战士a person or group involved in fighting in a war or battle



n.1.a person, group, or country that takes part in a war

1.战士 column 纵队 combatant 战士 commandant 军校校长 ...

2.战斗员 colossal \adj. 巨大的, 庞大的 combatant \n. 战士, 战斗员 comment \n. 注释, 评论, 意见 \ ...

3.格斗者 spell:n. 一段时间,一会儿 combatant:n. 参加战斗者,格斗者 reevaluate:v. 再评估,再评价 ...

4.战斗人员 ... appeal 魅力,吸引力 combatant 战斗人员 coronation 加冕礼 ...

5.战斗的 combat v. 跟...斗争 combatant a. 战斗的 combination n. 化合 ...

6.争斗者 colorless a. 无色的 combatant n. 争斗者, 战斗员 comfortless a. 无安慰的, 不舒服的, 不自由的 ...

7.参战者,战士 100. colossus: 巨人。 101. combatant: 参战者,战士。 103. concubine: …


1."We'd have to ask if he really wanted Diary of a Combatant pubpshed, " she said.“我们无从知道他是否真的愿意《一名战士的日记》得以出版。”马尔奇表示。

2.That's one reason Amazon is in the best position to turn the tablet battle into a two combatant war.这就是亚马逊能够处于绝佳的位置将平板电脑之战转换成两个对手间的战斗的原因之一。

3.Any video footage of the attack will be closely scrutinised to see whether he was a combatant, rather than a prisoner.任何袭击的视频镜头将会被严格仔细检查来确定他是一个战斗者还是囚犯。

4.Some one whom we know heard a combatant say to him in the midst of the grape-shot: "We are here as at a bachelor breakfast. "有一个我们认识的人听见一个战士在霰弹声中向他说:“我们好象是单身汉在进午餐。”

5.There were only five humans aboard the entire fleet he commanded, and he was the only combatant.他指挥的整个舰队只有五个人,战斗人员只有他一人。

6.The US log says a non-combatant was wounded with two or three bullets and taken by "the UK company" to Camp Warehouse.日志说一名非战斗人员被两至三颗子弹击中受伤后被“英军”带到了Warehouse营地。

7.The hearings to determine whether the suspects meet US authorities' definition of an enemy combatant began on Friday, the Pentagon said .五角大楼称,周五举行的初审是判定这些嫌疑犯是否属于美国当局界定的敌方战斗员。

8.The idea of a "civipan" depends on an association between innocence and the non-combatant.平民的概念是取决于无辜和非参战的结合。

9.You can take as many free actions as you want during your or another combatant's turn.你在你的回合或其他作战者的回合都可以做任意多的自由动作。

10.There are reports that she resurfaced during the Galactic Civil War as a combatant in Jabba the Hutt's demoption contests.有报告说她在银河内战期间复出,在赫特人贾巴的亡命竞技场上担当斗士。