



美式发音: [oʊd] 英式发音: [əʊd]



复数:odes  同义词




n.1.a poem written for or about a particular person, thing, or event

1.常微分方程 · ODES· 奥德斯800无级变速农夫车即将上市! ...

3.颂歌 Pindar 品达 Odes 颂诗 " Aeschylus 埃斯库罗斯 ...

5.常微分方程组ild hy-per- tensives:the Oslo Diet and Exercise Study (ODES)[J].Blood Press 1995 Nov;4(6):343~ 9


1.Firstly, a set of pnearized ODEs are formulated in terms of absolute coordinates without considering any constraint in the system.首先,不考虑任何约束,采用拉格朗日方法建立以绝对坐标描述的二阶线性常微分方程组;

2.Odes are often written for a special occasion, to honor a person or a season or to commemorate an event.颂诗通常都是为某个特殊的场合而作,为了赞美某个人或事物,或某个季节或纪念某个事件。

3.Finally, a cut-joint constraint matrix is generated to formulate a minimal set of ODEs for the original closed-loop mechanism system.最后,构造切断铰约束矩阵,对开环约束系统矩阵做线性变换得到闭环约束系统二阶线性常微分方程组。

4.But then, amid the turmoil, Nur finds solace writing poetry: odes to his homeland and his lost love.然而在一片混乱之际,努尔在写诗中找到了安慰:讴歌他的家乡和他失去的爱情。

5.These new methods and the unique organizational scheme allow a significant increase in the number of ODEs amenable to group-theory solution.这些新方法和独特的机构化的计画允许显著的对群论解决办法易受感动的颂歌的数量的增加。

6.The Book of Odes doesn't start out with the creation of the world.《诗经》的开篇讲的并不是创世篇

7.With the exception of "To Autumn" which he wrote in September, he wrote all the odes between March and June of 1819.除了这首在9月所写的「秋赋」之外,其他的作品都是在1819年的3月到6月中间所完成的。

8.Kong offered new interpretations on such problems as Confucius's bowdlerization and stypstic differences in odes .在孔子删诗问题及三颂体制差异等方面别有新见。

9.With patriotic fervour he produced many odes showing his concern for his country and people.他怀着满腔的爱国之情,写下了许多颂诗,表达了他对国家对民族的顾虑。

10.Nanchu prosaic odes works mainly for the purpose of the Chu king entertainment, following by satire and chronicle styles.南楚散文赋的创作宗旨主要是供楚王娱乐,其次才是讽谏和纪事。