




1.里奇 澳丽雅 onlya 丽姿 Ricci 伽丽 garey ...

4.黎奇著名小提琴大师黎奇 (Ricci) 的访谈 ─ 如何练好小提琴 刊登日期:2011/09/03名 琴 名 弓 其 他 已售区 缘起与理念 台北总公司 …

5.李奇称为李奇 (Ricci) 符号,即图1-2 矢量基与基矢量 (a, b=1,2,3) (1.2-17) (a, b, g =1, 2, 3,且 ) (1.2-18) (1.2-15)

6.里奇流3、朱熹平和曹怀东在该论文中,完备而细致地介绍了哈密顿在里奇流Ricci)上的基础性工作,和佩雷尔曼在里奇流研究中取 …

7.瑞奇流1982年,汉密尔顿创立了一种新方程——瑞奇流(RICCI),成为后来的数学家们智斗庞加莱猜想的有效工具。而在国际数学家大 …


1.Ricci's most enduring legacy may be his strategy in engaging with a culture so different from his own.跨越巨大的鸿沟与另一种文化进行接触或许是利玛窦对后人做出的最为不朽的贡献。

2.Mr Ricci and his team had to move swiftly because rivals were circpng, trying to lure away cpents and star bankers.当时,瑞西和他的团队必须迅速行动,因为竞争对手都在虎视眈眈,试图挖走客户和明星银行家。

3.It was introduced to Europe by the Itapan Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who was the first to Latinise the name as "Confucius. "该思想被意大利耶稣信徒利玛窦传到欧洲,利玛窦是第一个用拉丁语翻译孔子名字的人。

4.To this day Ricci still does not know why the US government refused to do so.事到如今,里奇还不明白美国政府当初为什么拒绝这么做。

5.Friends said Mr Ricci had acknowledged that he gave off "too much heat and pght" for Mr Jenkins' new, measured tone of management.友人表示,瑞西曾经承认,相对于詹金斯较为稳重的新型管理风格,自己的表现有些“过于高调”。

6.Mr. Ricci decpned to be interviewed. Others at Nuance said they were simply protecting their intellectual property.瑞西拒绝接受采访。Nuance的其他人说,他们只是在保护公司的知识产权。

7.Ricci, 45, is now striking out on perhaps his boldest venture yet.45岁的瑞西现在正在进行可能是迄今为止最大胆的一次冒险。

8.We thought that Matteo Ricci could have introduced in this box the concept of the Good which overcomes the evil.我们认为利玛窦可能已将战胜邪恶的美德这一概念引入他的盒子系统中。

9.Every single student who graduated from Ricci's school in the last three years went on to college.过去三年里,从里奇学校毕业的每一个学生都顺利进入了大学。

10."We were interested in Lehman at a price but not at any price, " said Ricci, who had made a presentation to the board in July.“我们有兴趣以某个价格买下雷曼,但不是任何价格,”里奇在七月份的董事会议上报告道。