




1.上床吧 -上床吧Come to bed;Go to bed;Come to bed -早点上床: EARLY TO BED ...

2.过来床上 It's okay.|没关系 Come to bed.|过来床上 ...


1.You know who you are. If your spouse wants you to leave the computer and come to bed, and you say, "just a minute, " you're one of them.如果,你的另一半让你离开电脑上床睡觉,而你却推脱说“等一会儿”的时候,你也许就是其中之一哦。

2.Be sure to shut off the computer before you come to bed.上床前要确定把计算机关掉。

3.So, turn off the pght when you come to bed!所以,上床前把灯关上!

4.Come to bed with me. But the groom said, No way. And the bride said, Why is that?过来床上陪我啊!但是新郎回答:不行!新娘就问他:为什么?

5.Don't come to bed covered up from head to toe.上床的时候千万不要从头到脚捂的严严实实。

6.Blowthe candle out before you come to bed.睡觉前吹灭蜡烛。

7.Let me clarify that: He will stay up until 2 or 3 a. m. , come to bed and be up at 7 a. m. for work.让我澄清一下:他会熬夜到凌晨2到3点才睡觉然后早上7点就会起来工作。

8.Please close the window before you come to bed.上床睡觉前请把窗关上。

9.Desdemona. Will you come to bed, my lord?苔絲狄蒙娜您要睡了嗎,我的主?