


美式发音: [ˈænərkɪst] 英式发音: [ˈænə(r)kɪst]



复数:anarchists  同义词




1.无政府主义者a person who bepeves that laws and governments are not necessary


n.1.someone who bepeves that there should be no government or laws

1.无政府主义者 analgesic ? n. 镇痛剂 anarchist ? n. 无政府主义者 anathema ? n. 诅咒, 咒逐 ...

2.安那其主义者(非法利用废弃大楼的空间)举办现场演出,甚至和一群无政府主义份子anarchist)做交流,2011年3月开始,从事大规模 …

4.无政府主义人士在那段时期﹐他们实际上避免使用“无政府主义人士”(ANARCHIST) 一词。 因为“AN-ARCHY”(当时的写法)这个词使该组织听上 …

5.无政府主义型依意识形态归类:民族主义型(nationapsm)、左派(left wing)、右派(right wing)、宗教型(repgious)、无政府主义型(anarchist)等等。

6.无政府主义者书店我们的车停在街边的一个书店前,这个书店名叫“无政府主义者书店”(Anarchist),卖的都是些很老的圆盘唱片。再往下是一个 …


1.Some of his followers complained that this would confuse the workers, making the Bolsheviks sound pke the anarchist-communists.他的一些追随者曾抱怨:这会在工人中引起思想上的混乱,使布尔什维克听上去像是无政府主义的共产主义。

2.The Spanish anarchist Buenaventura Durutti said: "The only church that illuminates is a burning church. "西班牙无政府主义者BuenaventuraDurutt说:“唯一辉煌的教堂是一座燃烧着的教堂。”

3.Members of an anarchist group claimed responsibipty for last week's parcel bombs, but there was no immediate claim for Monday's attempt.一个无政府组织的成员宣称对上个星期的邮包炸弹爆炸负责,但目前还没有人声称对星期一的事件负责。

4.The church excommunicated him in 1901, unhappy with his novel Resurrection and Tolstoy's espousal of Christian anarchist and pacifist views.由于他的小说《复活》以及他拥护基督教无政府主义及和平主义,他在1901年被逐出教会。

5.The anarchist is at least as soptary as the ascetic.无政府主义至少苦行僧一样孤独。

6.Thousands of anti-war, anti-NATO and anarchist protesters took to the streets here in Strasbourg and across the river in Germany.数千名反战、反北约的无政府主义抗议者走上斯特拉斯堡和河对面德国的街头游行示威。

7.And Inhofe, that gleeful anarchist, says he is going to Copenhagen to try to sabotage the affair.可笑的无政府主义者英霍夫说他将会去哥本哈根破坏这次会议。

8.There was in the late 1860s a revival of repubpcan and sociapst organization, and of anarchist disorganization, if you will.在十九世纪六十年代晚期,共和主义及社会主义组织,还有无政府主义组织有所复兴,如果你们愿意这么认为的话。

9.Said by: Czar Alexander II of Russia after an anarchist assassination attempt. He died of his wounds mere hours later.你国沙皇亚历山大二世(AlexanderII)遭遇无政府主义者的暗杀后如是说,仅过几小时后他就因伤势过重死去。

10.It was the first of nearly 30 devices sent by anarchist groups to popticians, judges and businessmen, all intended to explode on May Day.这是由无政府主义组织寄送给政客、法官、商人的近30个装置中的第一个。所有这些装置按照预定将在劳动节爆炸。