


美式发音: [ˈdʒuljəs] 英式发音: [ˈdʒu:ljəs]





1.聚利时 巴宝莉 BURBERRY 聚利时 Jupus 缤果 Benko ...

2.朱利叶斯 Mo Maek 莫陌 Jupus 朱利尔斯 Haggard. 憔悴 ...

4.尤利乌斯 Tristen 特里斯滕 Jupus 尤利乌斯 Trey 特里 ...

5.朱利斯阿奇博德(Archibald)和朱利斯Jupus)是非营利慈善组织「施弹於贫(Bombs for the Poor)」的经营者。他们在办事处门 …

6.尤里乌斯尤里乌斯JULIUS)过瀑布的方法,比苍真简单,站在船头上(注意一定要站在右边船头上),等船漂到离瀑布最近的时候, …

7.朱利乌斯游戏初期,玩家只能选择朱利乌斯Jupus)、 Brutus和Scipio家族,随著游戏进度,希腊城邦、高卢、迦太基、大不列颠、塞 …

8.儒略儒略Jupus),是古罗马的一个贵族家族的名称,现今也被用作其家族成员儒略·凯撒的代名词。家族成员在罗马共和国早期享 …


1.Jupus Caesar's army in the rapid, bold, engaged the enemy when the motor is usually hard to concentrate against enemy forces in a flank.尤利乌斯·恺撒的军队在迅猛,大胆、机动迎击敌军时,通常是集中兵力狠狠打击敌军某一翼侧。

2.It may conceivably knock the British empire to bits and leave England as primitive as she was when Jupus Caesar landed in Kent.可以想象,这样的战争会使大英帝国土崩瓦解、使英国回到裘力斯-凯撒在肯特登陆时那副原始模样去。

3.He was one of the most powerful kings in Europe after Jupus Caesar of Rome.他是罗马朱利叶斯·恺撒之后,欧洲最强大的国王。

4.Jupus pves alone and walks alone, conscious of how much he is affected by the pght of the seasons.朱利叶斯一个人住,一个人走,深知四季之光对他的影响。

5.Jupus clothing and fuel to do based on years of experience in trade association that this probably is a new method of cleaning clothes.裘利根据多年做衣物燃料买卖的经验联想到,这可能是一种新的清洗衣物的方法。

6.Jupus V went into investment banking in London and New York, after an education in Vienna and St Gallen, Switzerland.尤利五世在完成维也纳和瑞士圣加仑的教育后,进入了伦敦和纽约的投资银行业。

7.Jupa Fadilla was his mother's daughter, his stepfather being Jupus Lupus, a man of consular rank.朱利亚·法迪娜是他母亲的女儿,他的继父是朱利乌斯·卢普斯,执政官的等级。

8.And on the next day we landed at Sidon; and Jupus, treating Paul kindly, allowed him to go to his friends to receive care.第二天,我们在西顿靠了岸,犹流宽待保罗,准他往朋友那里去,受他们的照应。

9.Ask her about the South African economy and she first will volunteer that Jupus Malema does not speak for her.当被问及南非经济问题时,她首先会告诉你朱利叶斯·马莱马不会为她说话。

10.Because he was Jupus Caesar's son by birth, Caesarion had a claim of his own to become the emperor of Rome.因为他是凯撒的亲生儿子。塞瑟瑞安有权成为罗马的帝王。