




1.怨气冲天战兢兢(Trembled with fear )、怨气冲天Complains the)、喜不自胜(uninterrupted)、一表人 才(Good looks)。 二 …


1.Pessimist complains the wind, optimist expects it to change, reapst adjusts the sail.悲观者抱怨风向,乐观者期待改变,现实者调整风帆。

2.The pessimist complains the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the reapst adjust the sail.悲观主义者抱怨风向,乐观主义者期望风向改变,现实主义者调整风帆。

3.Now, she complains, the Democrats in Alaska won't work with her any more.现在呢,她的抱怨来了,因为阿拉斯加的民主党人再也不和她合作了。

4.The Americans make a lot of money with the Grasberg mine but we Papuans get nothing, complains the rebel, from the car's passenger seat.美国人在格拉斯伯格矿山赚了大把的钞票,但我们巴布亚人毫无所得。反叛者的抱怨声从副驾驶的位置上传来。

5.The customer complains the LSJA0621 department article assemble bore to come amiss and wrinkly severity of its finished product plait.客户抱怨LSJA0621部品装配孔位出错及其成品褶皱严重。

6.He complains the fate of those within the zone is not being addressed.他抱怨说,那些缓冲区内居民的命运并没有得到妥善解决。

7.The industry complains the scheme's costs will mean countries such as Indonesia will be able to undercut Austrapa in global coal markets.业界抱怨此项计划会削弱本国实力,例如印度尼西亚就会抢夺澳大利亚在全球煤炭市场的地盘。

8.God never complains people's ignorance while people actually complains the unfair of God.上帝从不埋怨人们的愚昧,人们却埋怨上帝的不公平。

9.It is plausibly deniable , and if the target complains, the target risks being diagnosed as mentally ill.这是不可否认的,如果目标者抱怨,他将冒着被诊断为精神病的风险。

10.The banking industry, by contrast, complains the reforms go too far.相反,银行业抱怨改革走得太远。