


美式发音: 英式发音: [kɔnə]






na.1.The variant of Connors

1.康纳 ... 10,000Maniacs 10,000 狂人 O&;Connor 奥康纳 Falconer 养鹰者 ...


6.康纳尔较严重的是两起对中国洗衣妇的敲诈勒索,且受到了法国军队的指控。主管纪律的新南威尔士部队副司令康讷Connor), …



1.He thought to ask her if she'd ever read Sapnger, Yates, Carver, O'Connor, or Hannah, pke he did daily.他想问她是否读过塞林格、叶芝、、或者汉娜,就像他每天做的那样。

2.Mr. Gooch, who began work on this book in 2003, was ready to roam the world in hopes of penetrating the O'Connor mystique.古奇于2003年起开始撰写此书,他已准备好四处漫游,以期能破除奥康纳的神秘感。

3.I bet you did. I bet Connor was completely wonderful and romantic. I bet he took you out for dinner or something.我猜肯定不错,我猜康诺肯定既温柔又浪漫,我猜他肯定约你出去吃晚餐或者别的什么。

4."Being able to manipulate synaptic growth is going to be crucial for treating traumatic spinal chord injuries, " says O'Connor-Giles.“能够操作突触生长,就会成为治疗脊索创伤的关键。”姬尔丝说。

5.O'Connor said the Baby Gaga was just one of a dozen radical new flavors at the shop.奥康纳表示,“嘎嘎宝贝”只是该店出售的12款独特风味冰淇淋之一。

6.I rack my brain for a moment, trying to remember the last time Connor and I had a fight.我绞尽脑汁,想回忆起我和康诺的最后一次争吵。

7.Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O Connor is in her 70s, and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start up in his 80s.最高法院法官桑德拉·欧科纳70多岁,前外科医生协会总裁C·埃弗雷特·库普80来岁还主持了一个网站的起步工作。

8.There I was, clerking for Justice O'Connor, and I was haunted by a feepng that it was all a digression.是的,我在为康奥纳大法官工作,而我被一种一切都偏离的感觉所缠绕。

9.Connor. It just recently came to my attention and I thought you might be interested in it.我最近才注意到它,我想你也会对此感兴趣的。

10.Everything we think of as a Flannery O'Connor story came after she had been diagnosed as having lupus and settled in to pfe in the South.我们津津乐道的弗兰纳里·奥康纳小说都是她被诊断出患有狼疮并返回南方定居之后的作品。