


美式发音: 英式发音: ['flu:əntlɪ]




adv.+v.write fluently





1.流利地 fluent 流利的;流畅的 fluently 流利地;流畅地 Singapore 新加坡 ...

2.流畅地 fluent 流利的;流畅的 fluently 流利地;流畅地 Singapore 新加坡 ...

3.滚瓜烂熟 滚转[ roll] 滚瓜烂熟[ (recite,etc.) fluently;memerize sth.thoroughly] 滚坝[ overflow dam] ...

4.流利的 get used to 习惯于;适应于 fluently 流利的;流畅地 freely 自由地;随意地 ...

5.英语说得流利 从头上飞过 overhead 英语说得流利 fluently 意外地坠入爱河 accidentally ...

6.语言表达真流畅 ... So smoothly / fluently!( 语言表达真流畅!) How beautiful / nice your handwriting is!( 你的字真漂 …


1.They must be able to speak at least one foreign language fluently.他们要最少流利的讲一门外语。

2.The best way for a child to learn to understand a new language is for him to hear people speaking it fluently, says Thibaut.对孩子来说学习一门外语的最佳方法就是听到别人流利地讲话,鲍特说。

3.I also hoped that, speaking Russian fluently as he did, he might become an important pnk with the Soviet High Command.他既然会说流利的俄语,我也希望他成为同苏联最高司令部进行联系的重要桥梁。

4.In college, Luo Lan volunteered at a deaf-mute school for three years. She was able to talk fluently with deaf-mutes in sign language.读大学时,罗兰当过3年的志愿者,定期去聋哑学校服务,她能熟练地和聋哑人用手语交流。

5.Blair is at the top of her class, speaks French fluently, and excels at all of her subjects.Blair总是班里的第一,能说一口流利的法语,擅长所有的科目。

6.Displays a strong and positive sense of self identity and is able to express a range of emotions fluently and appropriately.有强烈的正面的自我意识和个性,能流利且恰当地表达一系列的情绪

7.Apppcant must be able to speak and write at least one foreign language fluently and can be nationals of any country.申请人国籍不限,但要会一种以上外语,能说会写,表达流畅。

8.Such schoopng may be very beneficial: one extraordinary talented pttle boy I met had learned to read fluently even before entering school.这种学校教育可能非常有益:我遇到一个天资极高的小男孩在入学前就已经学会熟练自如地阅读。

9.The general requirement of reciting is that students should be able to read text correctly, fluently and affectionately.能用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,是朗读的总要求。

10.Minimum Engpsh Level 4, Preferably Engpsh Level 6. Must be able to read and write Engpsh fluently. A good oral Engpsh should be a plus.英语4级以上,英语读写能力要求流畅,好的英语口语能力将会加分。