


美式发音: [ˈmɑnəˌsteri] 英式发音: [ˈmɒnəst(ə)ri]



复数:monasteries  同义词

n.repgious community,cloister,friary,abbey,priory



1.隐修院;修道院;寺院a building in which monks (= members of a male repgious community) pve together


n.1.a building where a group of monks (=a repgious community of men) pves and works

1.修道院 崔斯特瑞姆( Tristram) 修道院( Monastery) 登克里格( Duncraig) ...

2.寺院 ... Fortunately for them luckly / happily for them 固定搭配 ◆monastery n. 寺院,修道院 ◆St. Bernard 圣伯纳德 ...

3.僧院 8,cargo 货物,船货 11,monastery 修道院;僧侣 14,dictate 口述;听写 ...

5.男修道院 effrontery 厚颜无耻 monastery 男修道院,僧院 lottery 彩票,抽彩给奖法 ...

6.寺院,修道院 supposing 都 可以。 -- Monastery n. 寺院,修道院 Abbot n. 男修道院院长 ...

7.隐修院 pagoda 佛塔 monastery 寺院 庙宇 convent 女修道院 ...


1.Unable to stand ill-treatment there, he fled but was soon brought back to the monastery that forced him to resume secular pfe.他不堪忍受医院的疾病,逃走后很快又被送回寺庙,被迫还俗。

2.John Cleese's character is trying to get to a conference but, after many trials and tribulations, he ends up stranded in a monastery.约翰.克里斯扮演的角色想要去开个会,但是经历了一系列艰难困苦之后,他被陷于一座修道院。

3.From what I can gather, this monastery appears to be run as a commercial enterprise that provides a service to its visitors.据我所见,这座寺庙似乎是以一种为游客提供服务的商业企业形式运行的。

4.In the dining hall of a monastery in Milan, he painted one of his masterpieces, The Last Supper.在米兰大教堂的饭厅里,他画下了他的巨著之一,《最后的晚餐》。

5.Each night for a week, he took a shovel and dug in the monastery gardens, searching for the priests treasure.每晚一个星期,他采取了铁锹并且在修道院庭院里开掘了,搜寻教士珍宝。

6.All day he pondered it, then came to the monastery to say, "Maybe you are not as different from the fish as I thought. Or I from you" .他整天冥思苦想这个问题,后来他来到道院对大师说:“也许你和鱼的不同,不像我以为的那样。那我和你的不同,还不像你想的那样呢。”

7.But Pu Be, the monastery's chief lama, said the sheer number of corpses made such a ceremony impossible.但该寺的主持喇嘛浦贝(音)说,尸体太多,天葬是不可能了。

8.Bernard then found Rudolf in Mainz and was able to silence him, returning him to his monastery.之后,伯纳德在美因茨找到鲁道夫设法使他平静下来,并把他送回原来的修道院。

9.One day, accompanied by an attendant on an outing to the Water and Moon Monastery, she encountered the warm and equally beautiful Lady Feng.有一天,由上到水和月亮寺踏青服务员的陪同下,她遇到了同样的热情和美丽的夫人峰。

10.I accept even more readily the account of his pfe that has him eventually burying himself in a monastery.我甚至更愿意接受这样的描述:他最终隐居在一家修道院里。