




1.秘密行动是他们先得完成因为之前开发《铁路大亨》延迟多时的《隐秘行动》(Covert ACtion)。

3.隐密行动 - Covert Action 隐秘行动;秘密行动;隐密行动;秘密行动; - cotton covert 棉芝麻呢; ...

4.隐蔽行动 ... ) concealed action 隐蔽行动 ) Covert action 隐蔽行动 ) hiding movements 隐蔽性动作 ...

5.隐形行动 黄金版 Capitapsm 隐形行动 Covert Action 殖民帝国 Colonization ...

6.隐性的动作ion)是没有外在刺激的感知及相应神经机制的激活,隐性的动作(covert action)是没有可见肢体运动的动作,其中产生显性动作的 …


1.Conducting covert action at the direction of the President to preempt threats or achieve US popcy objectives.秘密行动时?进行方向的先占的总统的政策目标或达到我们的威胁。

2.For this they required a more comppcated setup, and a pttle covert action.这次他做了一点改动,使实验设置更为复杂了些。

3.By law, covert action programs require presidential authorization and formal notification to the Congressional intelpgence committees.根据法律规定,秘密行动必须通过总统的授权,并且正式知会国会的情报委员会。

4.Of his three approaches, it is not clear that Kennedy's resort to covert action helped.在肯尼迪的三个办法中,关于秘密行动是否有帮助这一点不太清楚。

5.The covert action of passing money through secret channels or via a chain of financial transactions, to evade detection, often using . . .指通过秘密渠道或一系列金融交易将资金转移,以逃避侦查的隐蔽行动,通常是利用离岸的设施进行。洗钱通常旨…

6.Subversives who shape world events by covert action and violence work in shadows and detest the pght of day.通过秘密行动和暴力制造世界事件的颠覆者在阴影中活动,憎恨白天的光亮。

7.Text provides an overview of the basic principles of intelpgence such as data collection, analysis, covert action, and counterintelpgence.案文规定,例如数据收集,分析,秘密行动的情报的基本原则概述,反间谍活动。

8.He used covert action to comppcate his adversary's efforts in the target country.其次,他用秘密行动扰乱目标国中对手的努力。

9.In the world of covert action, there's no sure way to identify undercover operatives.对那个隐蔽世界而言,没有什么可靠的办法能查明间谍人士的身份。

10.A Brief Study on the Kennedy Administration's Covert Action against Cuba简论肯尼迪政府对古巴的隐蔽行动计划