




1.风暴之眼 eye of the bpnd 盲人用手杖 eye of the storm 暴风中心; 暴风眼 eye bank 眼库 ...

3.暴风之眼 深度打击( Deep Strike) 暴风之眼Eye of the Storm) 血性狂暴( Ferven…

4.风暴眼 eye of the bpnd 盲人用手杖 eye of the storm 暴风中心; 暴风眼 eye bank 眼库 ...

7.风暴中心 《行星杀手 Asteroid Impact》 《风暴中心 Eye of the Storm》 《风暴之眼 Episode One …

8.飓风的风眼 eye of her 【航海学】 eye of the storm 飓风的风眼 eyes and no eyes 有眼无珠 ...


1.These pictures were made by a man in Magee, MS where the eye of the storm passed thru- what an experience.这些照片拍摄于密密西比州马吉,卡特里娜的风眼经过这里—多么奇妙的经历啊。

2.Battlegrounds - Eye of the Storm: Players should no longer be able to exit the bubble before the match starts.战场-风暴之眼:玩家将不能在战斗开始前离开起点。

3.The wise man said just find your place, In the eye of the storm.智者对我说在风暴中只要张开你的双眼,就能找到你的一席之地

4.But as Sikka points out, India cannot yet collect data from the central 'eye' of the storm, and that's what dictates a cyclone's movement.不过,正如Sikka指出的那样,印度目前还不能从风暴中心“眼”中获取数据,而那是决定飓风运动的关键。

5.'Goldman Sachs has been at the eye of the storm and is seen as the culprit behind the mess.高盛已经在危机的风暴眼中,它看上去的确像是一场混乱背后的罪犯。

6.Eye of the Storm now grants a new attack damage buff, "Cyclone Strike" which persists through the shield breaking.风暴之眼现在会增加一个新的攻击增益效果:“飓风突袭”,,效果是破甲。

7.Eye of the Storm - Moved over to Elemental Devastation "s former location. "风暴之眼-移动到原元素浩劫位置。

8.Additional Honor is rewarded upon conclusion of Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and Eye of the Storm.战歌峡谷,阿拉希盆地,以及风暴之眼在即将结束之前的会有额外荣誉。

9.The eye of the storm cppped the western end of the island, and it's heading towards Cuba.飓风眼横扫这个岛屿的西部,朝古巴方向移动。

10.The event in the eye of the storm was a fund-raising drive on May 21, 2008, at the Cannes Film Festival.2008年5月21日,章子怡基金会在戛纳电影(Movie)节上发动筹款活动,这一举动也变成人们关注的焦点。