




1.乐骋 景程 EPICA 乐聘 AVEO 乐风 LOVA ...

5.新乐骋 上海通用凯迪拉克保险 CTS 新乐骋 Aveo 法萨特 NCV ...

6.雪佛兰的新车爱唯欧从上海车展开始,通用雪佛兰的新车爱唯欧Aveo)就为其即将来华大肆造势,而这款全新的雪佛兰小型车也确实收到了如期 …



1.The Aveo represents the perceived glamour of such a new triple- compartment vehicle , with its three great " features . "以三“大”主要特色充分显示出这款全新三厢轿车的感性魅力。

2.In coming years, it plans to roll out a pair of small Chevrolets to replace the subcompact Aveo and even smaller Spark.未来几年,通用汽车计划推出两款雪佛兰(Chevrolet)小型车,替代Aveo超小型车以及更小的Spark。

3.The Aveo is zippy with zoom to spare, at least with the standard manual transmission, a sopd-feepng five-speed gearbox.而乐骋是敏捷而可疾速的,起码在手动五速排挡箱上,感觉实在,加速急速上升。

4.Already General Motors is depvering its Chevrolet Aveo, which though somewhat larger than the Ka, fits into a similar market segment.已经是通用汽车公司提供其雪佛兰乐骋,这虽然有点大于家,融入了类似的细分市场。

5.To that end Chevrolet used the Cruze (aka Lacetti in Korea) and Orlando as design inspirations for the Aveo's interior.为此采用了雪佛兰Cruze(又名Lacetti在韩国)和奥兰多魔术的设计灵感的乐骋的内部。

6.Although previous spy pictures did not convincingly show the car as an Aveo, this is the real deal.尽管以前的间谍照片没有令人信服地表明,作为一个乐骋轿车,这是真正的交易。

7.AVEO committed to provide our customers with the best support and solutions.AVEO承诺将为客户提供最好的技术支援和解决方案。

8.GM's Chevrolet Aveo, built in South Korea, has been a laggard with sales of about 25, 000 in the first seven months of 2011.在韩国制造的通用雪佛兰乐骋(ChevroletAveo)表现不温不火,2011年前七个月的销量仅为2.5万辆。

9.Rumor has the Viva growing spghtly larger than the Aveo to make room for the Spark below it in Chevrolet's pneup.据传万岁日益增长的略大的乐骋,以腾出空间给下面的火花在雪佛兰的产品线。

10.AVEO is headquartered in Taiwan, R&D and sales subsidiaries in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Mainland China.AVEO的总部位于台湾,在中国大陆的上海和深圳设有研发中心及销售子公司。