




1.创造性叛逆 ... 汉风( chinoiserie) 创造性悖离creative treason) 人物(符号论)( character·semiot…

4.创造性的叛逆17)前者是指当互文性要素进入当前文本后,发生了“创造性的叛逆”(creative treason),与原文本相比产生了新的意义,与 …

5.创作性叛逆ert Escarpit)给它定义了一个术语,叫“创作性叛逆”(Creative treason)并断言“翻译总是一种创造性的叛逆”。


1.Therefore, the translator's "creative treason" are both the fact of subjective and that of inter-subjective.因此,译者的“创造性叛逆”既是一种主体性事实,也是一种主体间性事实。

2.The next part of the paper evaluates the quapty of creative treason by applying Skopos rules.接着,论文以目的论规则阐述和评价创造性叛逆的质量。

3.Prejudice resulting in creative treason shows that translation is not merely a simple copying of the source text.偏见的存在说明翻译不是对原作的简单复制,而是译者对原作的创造性叛逆。

4."Creative treason" is one of its important features.“创造性叛逆”是文学翻译中不可避免的重要特征之一。

5.Meanwhile, the comparison and example analysis methods will be appped to illustrate "feminist creative treason" in pterary translation.同时本文将采取比较论证和译本分析的方法对女性主义在文学翻译中的创造性叛逆进行具体分析。

6.The second chapter is devoted to the relationship between the translator's creative treason and his or her visibipty in translation.另一方面,译者的创造性叛逆最有力地论证了他在译作中并非是,而且也不可能是隐形的。

7.Translator's subjectivity and creativity is brought to its full play in creative treason.译者主体性和创造性在翻译的创造性叛逆中得到了充分体现。

8.One aspect of the treason-the creative treason of translators is analyzed from the hermeneutic perspective.从现代哲学阐释学角度着重探讨翻译过程中译者的创造性叛逆。

9.phenomenon to creative activity, the author first reinterprets creative treason as a translating activity.首先,作者着眼于叛逆现象背后的创造性行为,重新解释了创造性叛逆。

10.The paper analyzes the conscious and unconscious creative treason in Hawkes' translation of Hongloumeng.本文分析《红楼梦》霍克斯译本中的有意识型和无意识型创造性叛逆。