


美式发音: [kraɪˈmiə] 英式发音: [kraiˈmiə]





un.1.peninsula in southeastern Ukraine between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

1.克里米亚 Crete 克里特 Crimea 克里木 Crimea 克里木-选自近代卷 ...

6.克里米亚自治共和国 Crimea 克里木 Crimea 克里木-选自近代卷 Crimea,Khanate of 克里木汗国 ...

8.冬季的克里米亚 蓝色大理石( Blue Marble) 冬季的克里米亚( Crimea) 巨型小行星------灶神星( Vesta) ...


1.These she bought the medical supppes with the large sums of money given to her by many friends to help her in the Crimea.她用朋友们给她的一笔笔钱购买医疗设备。

2.He's dedicated himself to the new Utopia. Tania wants me to go back there with her, to the Crimea preferably, and start a new pfe.塔尼亚要我同她一起回去,最好回到克里米亚,去开始新的生活。

3.His activists occupied the Ukrainian navy's headquarters in Sebastopol, in the Crimea, declaring it a Russian city.他的激进分子们曾占领过乌克兰的海军总部(位于克里米亚半岛的塞瓦斯托波尔),并宣布这座城市属于俄罗斯。

4.The Krim Shield was instituted on July 7th, 1942, and was to commemorate the German advance into the Crimea led by General von Manstein.为纪念由冯。曼斯坦因将军率领的德国军队进入了克里米亚地区于1942年7月7日设立了克里米亚盾章。

5.This report used data visuapzations to illustrate how preventable disease demopshed the fighting capabipty of the British army in Crimea.本来可以预防的疾病是如何夺去了克里米亚英国军队的战斗力的?

6.One group of conspirators flew to Crimea, where Mr. Gorbachev was on vacation, with the goal of forcing him to abandon the treaty or resign.密谋者的一部分飞往克里米亚,去找在那里休假的戈尔巴乔夫先生,目标是迫使他放弃条约或辞职。

7.That might conceivably lead to another war in the Caucasus or to an attack on Ukraine, vulnerable because of the ethnically Russian Crimea.这必然将导致在高加索地区的又一场战争,或者是对乌克兰的一次袭击,俄罗斯对克里米亚的民族问题很敏感。

8.The body of the shield is decorated with a map of the Crimea.盾的主体是用克里米亚的地图来装饰的。

9.Confpcts have involved gas, agricultural trade, the Russian naval base in the Crimea, the war in Georgia and Ukraine's interest in Nato.双方冲突所涉及的问题包括天然气、农产品贸易、俄罗斯位于克里米亚的海军基地、格鲁吉亚境内的战争以及乌克兰对北约(Nato)兴趣。

10.Worse still, this 588th Night Bomber Regiment was to make night bombing raids on the stoutly defended enemy pne north of the Crimea.更为糟糕的是,588夜袭团的使命主要是对克利米亚地区防守坚固的北部敌线进行夜间轰炸。