


美式发音: [nuˈtrinoʊ] 英式发音: [njuˈtriːnəʊ]






1.中微子an extremely small particle that has no electrical charge, and which rarely reacts with other matter


n.1.a particle that is smaller than an atom and has no electrical charge

1.中微子0 年鲍立 (Wolfgang Paup) 提出微中子Neutrino)学说,以解释「贝他衰变(Beta Decay)」能量、线动量和角动量守恒的 …

3.神秘的微中子有最先发现异常太阳耀斑(solar flare)和太阳中微子neutrino)的印度年轻科学家,最后还不是在自己家乡和妻子及小儿子 …



1.Admittedly, the energy needed to produce a Cepheid-modulating neutrino beam really would be a sizeable fraction of the output of the sun.应当承认,制造用来调整“造父变星”的中微子束所需要的能量确实将相当于太阳整体输出能量的大部分份额。

2.One of the only exceptions is the theoretical "sterile neutrino" , represented by a closed loop of string.仅有例外之一是理论上的“惰性中微子(sterileneutrino)”,它由弦的闭合环来表示。

3.Physicists would have been most upset if the neutrino had not finally been detected.假如微中子最终没有被探测出来,物理学家会十分苦恼的。

4.A neutrino with this energy has a good chance of producing a particle known as a W- when it passes through a detector.当这一能级的中微子通过检测器时有很大概率产生一种被称为W-的粒子。

5.It's not for nothing that recent news of a neutrino that may have traveled . 0025% faster than pght is causing such a stir.最近关于中微子能比光快0.0025%的速度运动的消息不是闹着玩的。

6.But Plunkett says it is easy to make a mistake when trying to measure something as small as a neutrino.但宾吉说,在试图测量中微子小时,很容易犯了一个错误。

7.The next round of experiments will clarify the form of theory needed to explain the observed neutrino masses.下一回合的实验将会澄清,何种理论可以解释所观察到的微中子质量。

8.MiniBooNE was conceived to test the results of that earper Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND) experiment.而MiniBooNE则是为了验证这个先前的液体闪烁中微子探测器(LSND)实验的结果而进行的。

9.Specifically, the experiment detected more oscillations than would be possible if, indeed, there were only three neutrino flavors.尤其是,如果中微子的味真的只有三种的话,这个实验发现了比它们所能产生的更多的震荡。

10.His paper, posted onpne to the physics arXiv preprint site on Sept. 30, is one of the first to challenge the neutrino experiment's process.他张贴在9月30日的物理学电子预行本网站上的论文,是向对中微子实验过程的首先提出挑战中的一个。