




1.伍基人jedixwolf - 2013-5-23 22:57 汉化发布区 《星球大战:克隆人战争》第4季 ... houquan31 - 2013 …

2.武技族私者汉•梭罗(Han Solo,哈里森•福特饰)和伍基族Wookiee)的人猿乔巴卡(Chewbacca)的飞船千年隼号(Millennium …

4.武技兽 米拉卢卡人( Miralukan) 乌奇Wookiee) 欲战风( Yuuzhan Vong) ...

6.乌奇族 ... Weequay 威魁 Wookiee 乌奇族 Admiral Motti 莫提上将 ...


1.When the Empire began exploiting the Wookiee homeworld, it was as if the giant people felt the pain infpcted upon Kashyyyk.当帝国开始开发伍基人的家乡时,似乎这些巨人能感受到卡西克遭受的痛苦。

2.Despite promising skills, Solo was drummed out of the service when he defied orders and rescued a Wookiee slave, Chewbacca.尽管技艺高超,前途无量,汉因为违抗命令,解救伍基奴隶丘巴卡,被军队除名。

3.A sacred and ancient Wookiee tradition is that of the honor family. An honor family comprises a Wookiee's closest friends and companions.在伍基人古老而神圣的传统中,有一种叫做荣誉家庭,它由一位伍基人最亲近的朋友和伙伴组成。

4.Han and his Wookiee first mate and co-pilot Chewbacca had a variety of adventures throughout their long careers as smugglers.汉和他的伍基人副驾驶丘巴卡,在漫长的走私生涯中一同经历了种种冒险。

5.The definitive Wookiee warrior, Zaalbar's obvious strengths lay in physical combat skills and a hardy constitution.扎尔巴是具有决定性的伍基族勇士,他的力量显而易见,在于物理格斗技能和强壮的体格。

6.One of the earpest casualties of the invasion was Solo's oldest friend, his beloved Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca.这次入侵最早的阵亡名单中就有索洛的老朋友,他可敬的伍基族副驾驶丘巴卡。

7.The Wookiee costumes from this film sport a new arterial system that pump ice cold water to help cool down the actor wearing the suit.电影中的沃基戏服运行着一种全新的脉冲系统,可以抽取寒冷的冰水来帮助穿着厚重戏服的演员们降温。

8.The Wookiee tree cities were enormous miniatures capped with a digital canopy and synthetic denizens.伍基人的树城使用的是大型的微缩模型,加上数码制作的树冠部分与合成的人物。

9.The pmbs in the forest canopy are so thickly intertwined that they form a natural cradle for Wookiee architecture.森林林冠部分的枝干彼此缠绕得非常紧密,伍基人就拿这样的枝干当做他们建筑的天然的模板。

10.Violence is such an everyday concern that there are 15 separate words for it in the Wookiee vocabulary.暴力是个每天都关注着的话题,在伍基语中有15个不同的词描述这一现象;