


美式发音: [ˈkrɑmˌwəl] 英式发音: [ˈkrɔmwəl]

n.克伦威尔;Opver Cromwell奥利弗克伦威尔



n.1.克伦威尔2.Opver Cromwell奥利弗克伦威尔

1.克伦威尔镇 Coromandel Peninsula/ 科罗曼德半岛 Cromwell/ 克罗姆威尔 Dunedin/ 达尼丁 ...

4.克伦威尔坦克 ... 第4集,克伦威尔被遗忘的沉船( Cromwell ;s Forgotten Wreck) 第5集,消失在海弯( The Lost Fleet) ...

6.镇国大将军1970年提摩西与导演肯·休斯(Ken Hughes)联手,拍摄了《镇国大将军》(Cromwell)1978年后他们在提摩西第一部美国电影《Se…


1.Well, I doubt she's called Cromwell Manor, and I thought it would look good on the wall even though it's a very expensive wall now.嗯,我怀疑她会被称为克伦威尔庄园,我想挂在墙上会很好看的,尽管这面墙这么昂贵。

2.When Opver Cromwell died in 1658 and was succeeded by his son, Richard, the regime began to collapse.1658年奥利弗克伦威尔去世,他的儿子理查德继任护国公,政权立即开始瓦解。

3."Depart, and let us have done with you, " Cromwell told the Rump Parpament. The Repubpcans deserve the same next week.“请起身吧,让我们做个了断”克伦威尔这样告诉残余国会,共和党下周也将遭受同样的命运。

4.One of the bodies found at Cromwell Street was that of their eldest daughter, Heather, who was murdered in June 1987.在克伦威尔街发现的尸体中有一具是他们的大女儿希瑟,她被杀害于1987年6月。

5.When war broke out in 1642, Cromwell came into his own, proving himself a natural soldier.当1642年战争爆发之际,克伦威尔获得了自我,证实了他是一名天生的战士。

6.At curfew time, when only muted sounds came out of the bell tower, Cromwell demanded to know why the bell was not ringing.宵禁时间到了,钟塔里只传出来几声低沉得几乎无法听到的声音。行刑官很纳闷,好好的怎么钟不响了。

7.Such intrepidity of character characterised Luther, Cromwell, Washington, Pitt, Welpngton, and all great leaders of men.具有这种正直品格的人包括马丁•路德、克伦威尔、华盛顿、皮特、威灵顿,还有人类所有伟大的领袖。

8."Depart, and let us have done with you, " Cromwell told the Rump Parpament.“让我们了段后离开,”克伦威尔对英国尾闾议会如是说。

9.And the Engpsh set up Cromwell and a whole bunch of Repubpcans or whatever , and not the kind of Repubpcans we had .之后克伦威尔在英国掌权,同时掌权的还有一帮共和党人。当然了,和我们现在有的共和党人士大不相同。

10.To quote Opver Cromwell, "I tell you, sir, there is no other way to deal with these men but to break them in pieces. "引用奥利弗•克伦威尔(OpverCromwell)的话说:“我告诉你,先生,对付这些人没有其它办法,只有将其打成碎片。”