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网络释义:基普;知识就是力量项目(Knowledge is Power Program);基普父子



1.脉冲 kip-ft. 千磅-英尺 kipp 脉冲 kipp-pulse 选通脉冲 ...

2.基普  当时为德国队打入致胜一球的,是来自斯图加特体育友好俱乐部的基普(Kipp)。这场比赛从严格意义上说,是南德球员组成的德 …

3.知识就是力量项目(Knowledge is Power Program)特别地,参加“知识就是力量项目”(KIPP)的特许学校早上7∶30开始,下午5点结束,有时周六也上课,并在夏季也上几个星期 …


5.知识就是力量计画特别是,在知识就是力量计画KIPP)之下的特许学校开始进行从早上7点半到晚上5点的教学时间,并在某些周六延长教学时 …

6.知识就是力量项目简介知识就是力量项目简介kipp) 2011-07-08 10:28 。。。


1.Professor Kipp thought he might come on stronger by talking above the heads of his audience.基普教授认为他讲的东西越是无法为听众理解,人家就越以为他高明。

2.Drew Martin, a KIPP principal, is proud of his school's record in getting lagging children back on course.DrewMartin,一位KIPP的校长,为他学校帮助后进学学生跟上课程的记录非常自豪。

3.Six years ago I founded KIPP Heartwood Academy , a pubpc charter school in San Jose, part of a network of 99 KIPP schools nationwide.六年前我在圣何塞建立了一所公立特许学校——KIPP心材学院,这是全国99所KIPP学校中的一所。

4.The KIPP schools are the most striking example of a movement that is improving education across America: the rise of "charter" schools.KIPP学校是改进全美教育运动中最引人注目的例子:崛起的“宪章”学校。

5.For instance, more recent cohorts from KIPP's New York City schools are completing college at a 46 percent rate.例如,从KIPP的纽约市学校更近的同伙正在完成率百分之46在大学。

6.All in all, KIPP students get about 60% more class time than their peers and routinely score better in tests.总之,KIPP学生比其他学生多出60%以上的上课时间,同时考试成绩更为优秀。

7.Bill Gates talked about the importance of education and, in particular, the model that KIPP was providing.比尔盖茨谈过教育的重要性,还特别提供了KIPP规范。

8.I want to focus on one particular thing KIPP is doing that Bill didn't mention.我想把重点放在KIPP正在做的一件事情上比尔盖茨没有提过。

9.Evaporating dish Filter funnel Filter paper Flask Flat-bottomed flask Forceps Gas jar Glass cover Glass rod Kipp gas generator蒸发皿漏斗滤纸烧瓶平底烧瓶镊子集气瓶玻璃片玻璃棒启普发生器

10.kipp vacuum sucker - vod erosionresistance nitrdize technics and its apppcation抽油杆脉冲真空抗蚀氮化工艺及其应用