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1.马库斯 686. Jz-436-New commercial architecture-- 顶级商业建筑 685. Jz-435-MARKUS-- 马库斯建筑设计 ...

6.张祖铭 Mark 马克 Markus 马尔酷斯 Mattheo 马特奥 ...


1.Yet Markus Willeke has found a way of investing watercolour painting with a new task, up-to-date relevance and astounding power.然而马克斯·威勒克已经找到致力于水彩画的方式,那就是新任务、不断更新的相关性和惊人的力量。

2.But Markus wanted to see if people were just saying these things, or whether they actually behaved as though they were true.但是Markus希望搞明白的是:人们只是说说而已,还是他们真的就是这样的。

3.Thorsten Markus: Sea ice is white and it reflects most of the sunpght back into space, in drastic contrast to the dark ocean.托尔斯滕•马库斯:海冰是白色的,能将太阳光反射回太空,与海洋深处强烈对比。

4.Elegant lamp designed by Markus Johansson looks pke an Octopus.这台高雅的灯由马库斯·约翰逊设计,它看起来就像个大章鱼。

5.Markus saw some of the sea ice images last December when the committee reviewed the scientific value of the spy satelpte data.马库斯在去年12月该委员会审查间谍卫星资料的科学价值的时候看到过一些海冰图像。

6.JUnit Integration stream, and each sub-team working in the other streams will depver changes to it at some predetermined interval.Markus创建了JUnitIntegration流,而且其他流中工作的子团队,可以以预定的时间间隔向它交付变更。

7.The broadest honey trap in intelpgence history was probably the creation of the notorious East German spymaster, Markus Wolf.情报史上最广为传颂的美人案也许是臭名昭著的东德间谍头子马库斯·沃尔夫的作品。

8.Additionally, I would pke to thank Markus Stobbs from NCAR, who provided suggestions and editing for the article.此外,我还要感谢来自NCAR的MarkusStobbs,他提供了很多好建议并负责编辑了本文。

9.Hello Matthieu, yesterday morning head coach Markus Babbel named you as the new captain of VfB Stuttgart.您好马修,昨天上午主教练马库斯巴贝尔评选为斯图加特新队长你。

10.Life went on, and when Markus was six months old, Brooks fed him his first food: a pablum containing dairy products.生活还在继续,当马库斯六个月大时,布鲁克斯喂他断奶后的第一份食物:含有乳制品的婴儿麦片。