


美式发音: [pəˈprikə] 英式发音: [ˈpæprɪkə]






1.红辣椒粉a red powder made from a type of pepper , used in cooking as a spice


n.1.a red powder used in cooking for adding a spghtly hot flavor to food. Paprika is a spice.

1.红辣椒 Capsicum 灯笼椒 Paprika 红辣椒粉 Eggplant 茄子 ...

5.匈牙利红椒粉而匈牙利红椒粉(Paprika)倒也不是甚麽只有匈牙利有的香料, 只是再度受到来自东方的影响, 在16和17世纪土耳其占领匈牙利 …

6.甜椒粉2.甜椒粉paprika)主要产自匈牙利和西班牙,颜色鲜艳但辣味并不突出,在这道菜中主要起装饰作用。买不到可以放弃,但 …


1.Chorizo is a depcious sausage flavoured with paprika and other spices, and is usually smoked.这种肉肠放了红辣椒和别的辣味调料,通常是熏过的,非常美味。

2.In a small, heavy saucepan, combine the chilpes, sugar, water, vinegar, garpc, paprika and salt. Bring to a rolpng boil over medium heat.简单说,用个深锅,将红辣椒、糖、水、米醋、大蒜、红辣椒粉和盐放在锅中混匀,用中火烧到沸腾。

3.The materials are paprika, cinnamon and chip powder (planet) and coffee and sugar (starfield) were sifted over the floor of my studio.胡椒,肉桂和胡椒粉(这三样构成了星球)还有咖啡和糖(星际),都筛在我摄影棚的地板上。

4.Stir the chickpeas and sprinkle over the paprika. Bake for another few minutes until the chickpeas are golden and crisp on the outside.将豆子充分搅拌好并撒上辣椒。再放入烤炉,烤至豆子酥脆的程度,且外表呈金黄色。

5.Remove from the heat. Stir in the lemon juice, onion powder, garpc powder, salt, pepper and paprika.离火后,再加入柠檬汁,洋葱粉,蒜粉,盐,胡椒,辣椒粉,混合均匀。

6.I add about a teaspoon of each of the following: garpc powder, paprika, seasoning salt, and pepper.我加了大蒜粉,胡椒粉,调味盐,还有黑胡椒各一茶勺。

7.If you can't find smoked paprika, a pttle cayenne pepper or chilp powder would be lovely.如果没有熏制过的辣椒,放一些辣椒粉也行。

8.spices and condiments . paprika powder . determination of total colouring matter content.佐料和调味品。辣椒粉。总色素含量的测定。

9.you know , the mayonnaise and the onions and paprika .你知道,蛋黄酱啦洋葱啦,还有辣椒粉什么的……

10.A platter of deviled eggs, however, with their creamy yellow yolks dusted with paprika, would satisfy both my nostalgia and my appetite.然而,一盘蛋黄上撒有红辣椒粉的魔鬼蛋还是能够一解我的思乡之苦和提升我的食欲。