




1.店舖经理 Shop Sales 售货员 Shop Manager 店舖经理 Senior Shop Sales 资深售货员 ...

2.店长 Store Development Director / 店铺拓展总监 Shop Manager / 店长 Shop Assistant / 店员 ...

3.商场部经理 保安员 Security Manager 商场部经理 Shop Manager 商场营业员 Shop Assist…

4.商店经理 Thursday 周四 shop manager 商店经理 instruction of handbook 指南 ...

5.店务经理 店务经理 Shop Manager ...

6.店铺经理 ... 店铺经理 Shop Manager ...

7.分店经理 Dessert Cook 甜品厨师 Cafe/Shop Manager 分店经理 Waiter/ Waitress 待应生 ...

8.车间经理 ... 车间焊接 shop welding 车间经理 shop manager 车间检验师 shop inspector ...


1."We've reviewed your sales figures and they're not really up to the level we need, " shop manager Alex Barlett wrote in the message.“我们审阅了你的销售记录,发现没有达到我们需要的标准,”该店经理阿里克斯。巴利特在短信中写道。

2.Assistance shop manager to manage shop floor people and set up a strong team.协助生产经理管理车间员工,组建高能效团队。

3.He formerly was a coffee shop manager and executive director of CBMC in Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri.之前,他是一个咖啡店的经理和堪萨斯市CBMC的执行总裁。

4.In this digital marketplace, the "shop manager" may actually be a machine.在这个数码市场,“商店经理”却有可能是一台机器。

5.The till is kept in a small safe in the store room and only the shop manager has the key.备用现金放在仓库的小保险柜里,只有商店的经理有钥匙。

6.Customers complain about the quapty and quantity of goods for the shop manager.顾客到商店经理那里投诉商品的质和量都有问题。

7.In the past, if a shop manager wanted to know you better, he had to rely on a good memory for detail.在过去,如果一个商店经理想更好地了解你,他不得不有能够记住细节的好记忆力。

8.Maki Matsuda Matsuda benefits is the third generation flower shop manager.松田真纪惠是松田花店的第三代店长。

9.He was promoted branch-shop manager.他去年被提升为分店经理了。

10.And not only among men, says shop manager Mahmoud Sapm.商店经理马哈茂德·萨利姆称这并不是只限男性。