




1.克罗仔投了较多的伸卡球,而且发挥了很好的效果,印地安队克罗维Crowe)与卡布雷拉(Cabrera)都击成滚地球出局,虽被 …

3.克洛温来读的书都可以叫青少年文学。克劳威Crowe)(1998)则认为美国青少年文学指的是美国自1967年以来以青少年为市场 …

5.高尔 ... 高小田 Takaota 高尔 Crowe 高尔丁 Gauldin ...


1.He was in the editing phase of his latest movie, "The Next Three Days, " a thriller starring Russell Crowe, in an office in SoHo.他的新电影《未来三天》是由罗素·克劳主演的惊悚片,目前正在剪辑阶段,所以他在家办公。

2.Russell Crowe made it a family affair as he got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame yesterday.罗素。克罗使其成为家庭的事情时,他得到了他的好莱坞星光大道上的昨天。

3.Justifying the projection for new housing starts, Crowe said the national inventory of new homes is at a 40-year low.为证明新建筑开工数字规划的正确,科罗恩说,全国新房产总量处于40年之低谷。

4.As Crowe later explained to David Letterman, he had repeatedly tried and failed to call his wife in Austrapa.接着,克洛向大卫莱特曼解释原因说,他不停地打电话给他在澳大利亚的妻子,但没能接通。

5.The NAHB's Crowe said the market should continue to see an oversupply of existing homes as more foreclosures come on the market, he said.NAHB的Crowe认为,鉴于市场上的止赎案增多,成屋供应料继续过剩。

6.He had stopped before shooting "The Next Three Days, " but Russell Crowe was smoking, and that did him in.在拍《未来三天》之前,他已经不抽了,但是罗素·克劳在抽,他就又开始抽了。

7.Russell Crowe, you filled a whole arena with the force of your face and put the human back in the hero.罗素·克罗,整个竞技台都被你脸上的力量所征服,你使人们重回英雄时代。

8.But we need to remember one fact, small but relevant, that Kissinger does not pursue: namely, Crowe's memorandum did not go unchallenged.但是我们需要记住一个与之相关的小小事实,基辛格并未就此继续深入:那就是,克罗的备忘录并不是没有受到质疑。

9.Russell Crowe exquisitely captures Nash's passion for his wife, his work, and his unending hunger for excellence.罗素克洛精美抓住了他的妻子,他的工作,他的永无休止的饥饿纳什卓越的激情。

10.Crowe bepeved that it was right to put an end to the gay ban, but the media frenzy appalled him.克认为那是对的要废掉同性恋禁令但让媒体狂热震惊他。