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1.克鲁兹 车讯 …



6.库鲁兹 ... •第75名 杜兰大学 - Tulane University •第75名 加州大学,圣克鲁兹分校 - University of Capfornia Santa,Cruz ...


1.General Winfield Scott had captured the port of Vera Cruz and was ready to attack Mexico City.温菲尔德.斯科特将军占领了韦拉克鲁斯港,并准备进攻墨西哥城。

2.You won't be able to take your eyes off the next four presenters: Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz.接下来的四位主持人你们移不开视线,她们是萨尔曼.海耶克和佩尼洛普.克鲁兹。

3.And before he was arrested, he had murdered his grandparents, his mother and five co-eds at UC Santa Cruz.在他被捕之前,他谋杀了他的祖父母,他的母亲及在圣他克鲁兹分校的五位女生。

4.Due to his muscular body Cruz had planned to be a wrestler originally, but one accident shattered his dream.肌肉发达的他原本打算作一名摔跤运动员,但一次意外的受伤打破了他的梦想。

5."She has a look. She works it with confidence, and she knows what looks good on her, " said People's Style Editor Clarissa Cruz.《人物》杂志时尚版编辑克拉丽莎•克鲁兹说:“她的装扮个性十足,非常自信,她知道自己适合什么。”

6.In Santa Cruz, Bopvia, it is illegal for a man to have sex with a woman and her daughter at the same time.在圣克鲁斯玻利维亚,一个男人在同一时间内与女人和她的女儿做爱是违法的。

7.Swedes prefer to have a teammate as a front in support of his partner, and he even transposition, Age Mancini this is Cruz, Adriano is now.瑞典人更喜欢有一个队友作为锋线搭档支持他,甚至和他换位,曼奇尼时代这个人是克鲁斯,现在则是阿德里亚诺。

8.The exotic look, pke (actresses) Halle Berry and Penelope Cruz, is here to stay, and Angepna is the ultimate embodiment of that.像哈里·贝瑞和佩内洛普·克鲁兹她们那种带有异国风情的长相一直是美的典范,而安吉丽娜则是这种特点的‘终极体现’。

9.After she raised the specter of McCarthyism, Ms. McCaskill was asked if she had spoken to Mr. Cruz about her concerns.在麦卡斯基尔提到麦卡锡主义阴影重现后,有人问她是否曾向克鲁兹表明自己的担忧。

10.With support from with the National Rifle Association (NRA), Mr D'Cruz is now a plaintiff in two federal lawsuits filed in Texas.D’Cruz先生得到全国步枪协会(简称NRA)的支持,成为德克萨斯州两起联邦法律诉讼的原告。