


英文单词:数据访问对象(Data Access Object);二胺氧化酶;数据库访问对象(Database Access Object)


1.数据访问对象(Data Access Object)由数据访问对象DAO)组成一般来说这些对象要和数据库的表一一对应形成O/R映射关系,我们在表示层和业务逻辑层不直 …

2.二胺氧化酶二胺氧化酶DAO)存在于哺乳类动物的黏膜或绒毛上层,其中大部分存在于小肠黏膜绒毛,极少部分存在于子宫内膜绒毛中 …

3.数据库访问对象(Database Access Object)对数据库访问,MFC提供两组类:ODBC(Open DataBase Connectivity)和DAO(DataBase Access Object)。MFC的ODBC类对 …

4.数据访问层(Data Access Objects)在测试数据访问层DAO)时,通常需要经过测试数据的准备、维护、验证及清理的过程。这个过程不仅烦锁,而且容易出错…


1.The question of commissar is worth of think about, why is all good Dao in your hands? I have three answers.政委的问题值得深思,为什么好刀总在他们手里?答案我想有三。

2.A piece of waist Dao. Other fittings is copper, but only the head is iron. Everybody please take a look whether it's the original or not?腰刀一把。别的装具都是铜的,就刀首是铁的。各位看看是原配的不?。

3.In morden Chinese language, dao di, as a mood adverb, indicates strong requirement for the ultimate nature of things.现代汉语副词“到底”是一个表示语气最终追究的极量词。

4.Care to explain? Because testing have been done and Zhang Ma Dao has no problem cutting right through the best plate armours of Europe.能解释一下你的话么?因为根据测试的结果,战马刀在切碎欧洲最好板甲方面完全没问题。

5.The Dao nature of the universe at its infancy is its primitive Dao nature, and its fundamental feature is harmony and perfect fusion.宇宙形成初期的道性称为原始道性,根本特征是和谐圆融。

6.For some people, creating a DAO for each database table may seem to be a very straightforward approach.对于有些人而言,为每个数据库表创建一个DAO也许看上去是非常简单的方法。

7.The necessary Java implementation code is all generic code that does not require any updates when adding more DAOs.必需的Java实现代码全部是泛型代码,在添加更多DAO时不需要任何更新。

8.Go to where sell meat and take a look. They all use this Dao. Don't be angry, what I said is true.到卖肉的地方去看看,他们都用这种刀,你可别生气,我说的可是真的啊。

9.The concept of a single generic typesafe DAO had been a topic since the appearance of generics in the Java language.自Java语言中出现泛型以来,单个泛型类型安全DAO的概念已经成为主题。

10.She aided Xu Man Dao cup water, sit just along the avenue smilingly seeing at her to eat.她帮徐曼到了杯水,坐在对面笑眯眯的看着她吃。