


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=British Oxygen Company)英国氧气公司

英文单词:中国银行(Bank of China);叔丁氧羰基;加拿大央行(Bank of Canada)


abbr.1.(=British Oxygen Company)英国氧气公司

abbr.1.(=British Oxygen Company)

1.中国银行(Bank of China)在fmoc策略合成过程中,三苯甲基(trt)对缩合以及 …

3.加拿大央行(Bank of Canada)方研究[中心] Bell System 贝尔系统 Bell operating company (BOC) 贝尔运营公司 Bellcore 贝尔通信研究所 Billing Administrati...

7.加拿大银行1991年2月,加拿大银行BOC)和联邦政府联合宣布实行通货膨胀目标制的货币政策,明确承诺降低通货膨胀。促使加拿大 …


1.BoC's Mr Wang said the bank would launch similar products "very soon" .王永利表示,中行也会“很快”推出类似产品。

2.As recently as last July, when RBS was struggling to shore up its balance sheet, executives insisted the bank would not sell its BoC stake.就在去年7月RBS拼命维持资产负债状况之时,该行的高管们依然坚称不会出售中行股份。

3.Chinese officials said CIC was not interested and that regulators would not let BoC make such a risky investment.中国官员表示,中投对此不感兴趣,而监管机构也不会允许中国银行进行如此高风险的投资。

4.In case of any dispute , the decision of BOC Credit Card ( International ) should be final .有关是次推广活动之任何争议,中银信用卡(国际)有限公司保留最终决定权。

5.Remittances by overseas Chinese are managed by the Bank of China (BOC), which has a number of branch offices in several countries.海外中国人的汇款则由中国银行进行管理,而中国银行则有许多分支机构在几个其他国家。

6.The Bank of China (BOC) has recommended your company as a prospective buyer of our products.中国银行已将你们公司作为我厂产品的一个预期买主介绍给我们。

7.In 2005, the bank advised Royal Bank of Scotland on the acquisition of a stake in Bank of China, and eventually invested alongside it.2005年,美林受邀担任苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)的顾问,帮助其收购中国银行(BoC)的股权,但最终却成为共同投资者。

8.BOC Aviation Pte Ltd, owned by the Bank of China, has been ranked first in Asia as an aircraft leasing enterprise.中国银行旗下的中银航空租赁已成为亚洲第一的飞机租赁公司。

9.Analysts said the BOC services are more symbolic than significant because of the numerous restrictions that remain.分析人士称,由于仍有诸多限制,中行服务的象征意义大于实际意义。

10.The Group launches the BOC SINO VISA Card in conjunction with the Bank of China specially designed for Sino Club members.集团于11月与中国银行合作发行专为信和之友而设的BOCSINOVISA信用卡。