


英文单词:错误汇报(Windows Error Reporting);错误率


1.错误汇报(Windows Error Reporting)Windows Error Reporting (WER) 是一组 Windows 技术,可撷取软体损毁资料并支援使用者回报损毁资讯。Windows Error Rep…

2.错误率3.3.2 单词错误率WER)、音节错误率(CER)和词图错误率(GER)27-283.3.3 词图密度(WGD)28 3.4 加权有限状态转 …


1.Windows Vista moves error handling out of the context of the crashing process into to a new service, Windows Error Reporting (WER).WindowsVista将错误处理从崩溃进程的上下文移至新服务,即Windows错误报告(WER)。

2.After the characteristic relations of the dynamic model had been integrated, the relationships of the mixed traffic flow wer founded.通过对混合交通流动力学模型的特征关系式进行积分,得到了混合交通流参数之间的函数关系。

3.Helli: I heard you speaking to someone on the phone last night. You said that you wer planning to shoot deer and a bear this weekend.昨天我听见你和别人讲电话。你说这个周末你准备要去射只鹿和熊。

4.Abin Sur: The ring, it chose you. Use its po. wer to defend our universe. Become. one of us. . . become a Green Lantern. . .阿宾。苏尔:“这只戒。指,它选择了你。使用它的气力来保卫我们的宇宙,成为我们的……绿灯侠!”。

5.Commissions came in aplenty through his favourite ones wer for the poor .委托很多,都是他关注的为穷人所做的项目。

6.This was our first Asian Capital Hotel about 5 years ago and wer were overawed by it, what a beautiful place it seemed to be back then.这是我们的第一亚洲首都大酒店,大约5年前韦尔被它震住了,因为这是多么美丽的地方,一起像回到了当时。

7.How often one hears children wishing they were grown-up and old people wishing they wer young again.我们是如此频繁地听到,孩子们希望长大而老人们希望再年轻一回。

8.Applications of PAI in insulation material, nano composite material, molecularly imprinted polymer and son on wer presented.阐述了PAI在制备高性能的绝缘材料、纳米复合材料、分子印迹聚合物等方面的应用。

9.Onec we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we wer dear to each other.一次,我们梦见我们竟是陌生人。醒来后,才发现我们是爱人。

10.This proposed scheme shows that low bit error rate (BER) and word error rate (WER) can be achieved.经由模拟结果可知此演算法可达到较低的位元错误率(BER)及字码错误率(WER)。